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3 Aromatherapy Hacks To Survive Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde usually happens 4 times in a year. Life is always about new challenges to overcome. The play of existence is transcendence, overcoming obstacles, and it is more apparent during a mercury retrograde cycle. Don't resist your mind’s natural intuitive review process that occurs in a mercury retrograde. Use essential oils to ameliorate the mercury retrograde influence, soften any harsh influences to your natal mercury, enhance the planetary rulers of the different zodiac signs.

Is Incense Smoke Beneficial For Health?

Incense sticks are synonymous with visits to the exotic Far East and South Asia where their fragrant smoky aroma fills hallways in spiritual and religious centers. With aromatherapy and the health benefits of essential oils becoming more widely applied in America and elsewhere in the West, is it time to consider the benefits of incense too? And is the smoke from incense really that good for you, or will it choke your lungs?

5 Natural Remedies To Treat Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids cause heavy bleeding and severe cramps. Use herbs like vitex and nettle to lower estrogen levels and boost detox by the liver. You may also achieve this by adopting a low-fat, high-fiber alkaline diet (oats, fish, soy, etc.). Aromatherapy enhances pelvic blood circulation and relaxes uterine muscles, easing cramps. Light exercise and meditation enhances these effects.

10 Holistic And Natural Ways To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep in total darkness to maintain your normal circadian rhythm. Put 2-3 drops of lavender or geranium oil on your pillow. Take a hot pre-bedtime shower to relax your muscles and nervous system. Induce a deep slumber through progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga. Supplement with passionflower to relieve your body of pain so that you can sleep well.
What Are The Best Home Remedies To Treat Colic In Babies

What Are The Best Home Remedies To Treat Colic In Babies?

Your baby is considered colicky if s/he’s younger than 5 months old and cries for more than 3 hrs in a row, on 3 or more days/week, for at least 3 wks. Treat colic by eliminating common food allergens like dairy, gluten, fish, citrus and caffeine from the mother's diet. Try Gripe water, probiotics and physical calming to soothe the infant. If it still persists, consult a doctor.
10 Ayurvedic Tips For Preventing And Treating Colds In Kids

10 Home Remedies to Keep Cold Away From Kids

Use basic humidifier with Eucalyptus, lavender or frankincense oils in kids’ bedroom to keep upper respiratory tract moist and clear. Ensure adequate sleep, put saline water drops in their nostrils and use Anu Thailam ear drops. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, ginger in foods. Eat warm, moist food and listen to grounding music during bedtime to boost immunity.
7 Rejuvenation Tips To Release Daily Stress

7 Rejuvenation Tips To Release Daily Stress

Aromatherapy can relieve congestion problems, infections, and anointment and is very efficient in reducing stress levels. Long baths, sleeping with spine support and spa treatments like massages help control and reduce stress. Balance is very important in life, indulge in regular bouts of meditation, tai chi or yoga.
How To Create The Best Relaxing Aromatherapy Bath

How To Create The Best Relaxing Aromatherapy Bath

To create an aromatherapy bath, add 7-12 drops of essential oil to each ounce of carrier oil. Ensure the water temperature is about 38 degrees celsius. Add oil mixture to running water and set up the mood with candles, music, bath pillow and dim lights. Soak for about 20 minutes and wrap yourself with a fluffy towel to allow moisturising agents to stay on.
Holy Herbs Frankincense and Myrrh May Cure Cancer

Holy Herbs Frankincense and Myrrh May Cure Cancer

Frankincense and Myrrh are two of the oldest and most famous aromatherapy essential oils known to man and even famed and prized today for...
Aromatherapy Easy Way To Make Luxurious Bath Salts at Home

How To Make Bath Salts to experience the best Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy Bath Salts Recipes Aromatherapy has been used for a long time as an alternative medicine for healing one's mood, cognitive, psychological or physical well...
How to Balance Your Muladhara Root Chakra

Root Chakra Or Muladhara Healing: A Detailed Guide

There are seven main energy centers in the body called “chakras”. These seven chakras parallel the spine, and each one has certain qualities and...
An Ayurvedic Approach Aromatherapy to Balance Doshas

Balance Your Doshas With Aromatherapy!

Aromatherapy has been used for many centuries to treat various disorders. It can be used to treat stress, relieve pain and enhance feelings of...