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What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnolia Herb?

Magnolia bark helps regulate nervous stimulation of the digestive tract, kill oral bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities, and reduces stress. Magnolia supplements suppress appetite, curbing untimely food cravings. Honokiol, a magnolia derivative, is anti-carcenogenic. Also, Magnolia can be used to treat Alzheimer’s by spiking acetylcholine levels in the brain.

4 Easy Tips To Overcome Social Anxiety

Everyone is too engrossed about their thoughts to think about you. Channelize your self-talk to exude confidence, and accept yourself for who you are. One of the best ways to break the ice, interact and get past the anxiety is to ask questions. Also, be prepared to answer questions and have stories to share with others. Give compliments to build an instant rapport.
Biofeedback Therapy

What Is BioFeedback And What Are Its Uses?

When you're under stress, your heart rate speeds up, your muscles tighten, your blood pressure rises, you start to sweat, and your breathing quickens. Biofeedback (audio and/or visual feedback on these parameters) helps you make self-corrective changes to improve your health. As you learn to read and adapt to external signals, you also become better at recognizing and using internal cues.
Can Frankincense Help Relieve Depression

Can Frankincense Help Relieve Depression?

Frankincense essential oil promotes deep breathing and relaxation, opening up air passages and reducing blood pressure. Its woody, organic scent uplifts your mood and is very effective in dealing with chronic anxiety and depression. It contains neuro-active components that increase oxygen supply to the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain, balancing your hormones.
Overcoming I Can't

Overcoming “I Can’t”

Recognize and acknowledge fear, but don't use that as an excuse. Don't be afraid of failure, learn to take the positives from the process. Decide which changes are worth your while. Stop looking at the whole staircase and focus on the step ahead of you. Don't procrastinate but commit and take action. Rest assured that making changes won’t truly change you.

Benefits Of Holy Basil For Stress, Anxiety And Insomnia

Holy basil is an adaptogenic herb that brings the endocrine and hormone system back to balance. People with a high caffeine intake, who are always anxious and stressed out, have trouble shutting off their brain at night, have insomnia or keep waking up often throughout the night should take Holy Basil supplements. It brings down cortisol levels and reverses adrenal fatigue.

Conquer Your Fears With The Wim Hof Method Of Ice Bath

Wim Hof Ice Bath helps overcome our fears and the psychological barriers that come with it by conquering the fear of ice cold water. It forces you to face your fears with focus and determination and on your own to empower you in other areas of your life. Treat the ice water as no different than any other obstacle that stands in your way to health and happiness.
Yoga Poses for Anxiety

4 Yoga Poses To Bring Your Anxiety Levels Down

In Child's pose, broadening and contracting shoulder muscles in sync with your breathing, relieves built-up tension in body and mind. Bridge pose helps alleviate headache, backache and general fatigue. Camel pose releases stiffness and tension in the shoulders, back and chest. Standing Forward Fold pose helps relieve stress and stretch tight hamstrings.
5 Ways Herbs Heal Your Body

5 Ways Herbs Heal Your Body

Burdock, chicory roots, dandelion and turmeric help detox the liver. Treat stomach disorders with aloe vera, parsley, flaxseed, ginger and licorice. Lemon balm, ashwagandha and valerian help keep stress at bay. Balance your hormones with astralagus and chasteberry. Anti-inflammatory oils are good additions to skin care potions. Take necessary precautions.
Women with PCOS

Why Are Women With PCOS More Likely To Have Anxiety?

PCOS causes hormonal imbalance which result in anxiety. Also symptoms like infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal hair growth, weight gain, acne and sleep disturbances can affect you physically and emotionally which in turn can trigger anxiety. To treat PCOS, try yoga, use ashwagandha roots, castor oil and follow a balanced diet plan.

8 Essential Tips To Know Before Your First Yoga Class

Drink a lot of water, this will help cope with the elevated heart rate and sweating. Take a shower, this alerts and freshens your body. Wear light clothes, it will make movement easier. Avoid eating before and one hour after yoga. Use a thin mat and keep an open mind, forget any opinions and expectations you have from yoga. It will improve focus and results.

How To Sleep Comfortably During Pregnancy?

Firm pillows for additional support can be used for better sleep during pregnancy. It allows you to customize your space with minimum risk. Side-sleeping is often the best option for pregnant women, but it can create pressure spots. Try putting a pillow between your knees to help keep your hips aligned.

Yoga Poses For Mood, Anxiety And Depression

A bad mood can ruin your whole day. Your boss reprimands you, a scuffle with your beau, feeling home sick - no matter whatever caused it, yoga can uplift your mood like no else. Back Bend Pose, Headstand, Corpse pose, Legs up the wall pose, Wide-Angle Standing Forward Bend and Fish Pose can help relieve any stress and relax.

The Difference Between Fear And Intuition

To differentiate between fear and intuition: Ask the question - which choice is leading you forward towards your goal, Take action - Counter fear that keeps you stagnant and take action, Trust your intuition - less you fear, more you will trust your intuition. Believe in yourself, focus on the future and be grateful for missteps since they helped you move forward.

How To Instantly Free Yourself Of Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are experienced on an everyday basis. There are ways to control your stress levels with the help of a few simple steps. Deep controlled breathing, inhaling lavender/citrus oils, positive verbal affirmations, regular exercise, sipping on chamomile tea, self-acupressure and listening to desirable music can drastically drop your stress levels instantly. So the next time you are feeling really stressed, just quickly take to one of these activities to stay calm.