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Tips To Alleviate The Dangerous Effects Of Stress

Stress can be a constant companion: the nagging headaches, frequent insomnia, fatigue, tightness across our shoulders and back, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, increased anxiety, and other symptoms we live with daily. These feelings may become so much a part of each day they can lull us into believing this our new norm.

Isn’t this how life is supposed to feel when we are busy juggling a career, family, school, relationships, and other responsibilities?


Unfortunately, our bodies are not meant to function with long term: hectic lifestyles, continuous pressure, difficult situations, and unrealistic expectations.

How stress may be affecting your mind, emotions, and physical body.


Mental stress can create:

Emotional Stress can create:


Physical effects of stress:

Constant stress creates a surge of adrenaline and cortisol. When adrenaline increases so do heart rate, it can also elevate blood pressure. Long-term effects can be high blood pressure and stroke. When cortisol levels increase, blood sugar levels increase. Long-term effects can be type 2 diabetes, thyroid issues, and an increase in belly fat.


How To Reduce The Effects Of Stress

1. Meditate

“If peace is what you truly want you will choose to meditate.” This is a practice to promote deep relaxation and build internal energy and relaxation.

2. Uplifting Friends

“Surround yourself with positive people.” Make sure to spend time either in person or by phone, with friends that increase your positive energy and help you release stress.


3. Make Time For Family

“When you love what you have, you have everything.” Spend time with the people you love; create “family time” in the calendar as a priority.

4. Physical Activity

“Good health is not just about the weight you lose, but about the life, you gain.” Be sure you are getting some form of exercise or physical activity to help release the stress and increase serotonin and dopamine. They are feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain.


5. Hypnotherapy

“Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind: use it for change.” This is a great tool to tap into your powerful subconscious brain, and slow down the production of cortisol and adrenaline increased by stress. You can create healthier responses on a subconscious level.

6. Humor

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.” Find reasons to laugh and release tension. Watch something funny on YouTube, TV or a favorite source when stressed. Increase the happy chemicals in our brain.


7. Massage

“Massage is about being good to yourself.” A massage can work the knots out of the tight muscles created from tension.

8. Healthy Eating

“Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it.” Properly fueled bodies deal with stress more efficiently. Eat healthy balanced meals to keep your body functioning at peak performance.

9. Get Sleep

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the 2 best cures for anything.” It is very important to get enough sleep when we are under stress so our bodies can relax unwinding and replenish.

10. Organize And Eliminate

“Being organized is about customizing your world to work best for you.” Look for ways to be more efficient, organized and in charge of your day. The more control you have in life the less stress.

11. Music

“I have a therapist her name is music.” A warm bath, relaxing and unwinding to calming music is a great way to de-stress.

There is no time like NOW to take action to reduce the stress in your life! Your health, relationships, and career are worth it… YOU are worth it. You will be glad you did!

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