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Grocery Shopping On A Budget: When And What To Buy Organic

There is a lot to grocery shopping than just buying fruits and vegetables that look right to you. If you are purchasing an apple at a supermarket, which one would you choose – the one that’s shiny or the one that’s organic? You might think they are just apples in the end and it’s smarter to shop for the one that costs less. Unfortunately, choosing the less expensive one over the organic produce comes with a price.

Today, most conventional produce available in the market are exposed to pesticides and have residues of toxins present on them, posing a severe threat to health. Let’s take a look at some of the potential health effects of pesticides.


Potential Health Effects Of Pesticides

Pesticides are present in the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink. They are used to kill, repel, prevent, or control pests and organisms like rodents, fungus, insects, and weeds that cause damage to the crops. However, these have horrifying impacts on both the environment and health:1


For these reasons and more, there is a lot of demand for organic produce. The downside is that they are way more expensive than conventional produce. If you are not really sure about the differences between organic and conventional produce, read on.

Organic Produce Versus Conventional Produce


Organic produce refers to how farmers grow and process their food. Organic farming methods are different from conventional methods. Here are a few common differences between the two:2

Apart from organic and conventional produce, there are genetically modified foods (GMs) that are available in the market. These foods are produced using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – organisms whose genes (DNA) have been altered using methods that are different from those that occur naturally.3 Most of the GM foods are produced to improve yield through better resistance to pesticides and diseases. Most studies show that GM foods may affect human health adversely and, therefore, call for more research concerning the safety of GM foods.4


With so much information about organic, conventional, and GMO produce, shopping for your groceries can sometimes be overwhelming. So, here’s a smart way to do your shopping… throw healthy produce into your cart without burning a hole in your pocket.

Be Smart With Your Grocery Shopping


Take A Look At The Price Look-Up

You cannot tell how your fruits and vegetables were grown when you purchase them in the supermarket, but you can distinguish organic, conventional, and genetically modified (GM) produce by looking at the Price Look Up (PLU) sticker.5

This, however, can only be applied to the produce available in the supermarkets, where the labels are necessary. Purchasing produce from food stalls and booths where farmers sell their own products is a different ball game. In such cases, ask your questions and use the answers to guide you in your decisions.


Follow The Three Rules

Sometimes, you may not be able to afford all organic produce. When this happens, follow these three simple rules:

Be Mindful Of The Dirty Dozen

To make things easier, check out this list of produce that is known as the “dirty dozen.” They are so called because the fruits and vegetables on the list contain high concentrations of pesticides.6 It is best to stick to the organic version of these foods to prevent health risks.


Trust The Clean Fifteen

You can stick to conventional produce for the foods in this list known as the “clean fifteen.” Relatively low pesticide residues are usually found on these foods.7

Decrease the risk of exposing your health to pesticides by choosing a healthy mix of both organic and conventional produce and avoiding GM foods. In addition, it is a good practice to read the labels before the final billing.


1 Pesticides. Toxics Action Center.
2 It’s Easy Being Green: Organic vs. Conventional Foods—The Gloves Come Off. Center for American Progress.
3 Food, Genetically modified. World Health Organization.
4 Dona, Artemis, and Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis. “Health risks of genetically modified foods.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 49, no. 2 (2009): 164-175.
5 How Do I Know If It’s Really Organic?. American Association of Retired Persons.
6 Dirty Dozen. Environmental Working Group.
7 Clean Fifteen. Environmental Working Group.
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