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Achieve Optimal Bone Health With Nutrient-Rich Foods

A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is the main constituent for healthy bone development. You need an adequate amount of calcium to strengthen your bones and vitamin D to improve the calcium absorption and bone growth.

Foods that have these key nutrients are vital early in life, but they may also help to maintain strong bones as you age. Adequate intake of these nutrients can help to prevent or slow down the progression of the brittle bone disease – osteoporosis.


Consuming the following nutrient-rich foods will help promote optimal bone health and prevent osteoporosis.

Consume These Foods To Heal Broken Bones


Yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables, collard, turnip greens, mackerel, salmon, and tuna are rich in Vitamin D and aid in calcium absorption, aiding fracture recovery. Include sweet, bitter, and astringent foods to your diet, they are healing in nature. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and salty, sour or pungent foods.

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11 Must Have Foods In Your Bone Strengthening Diet

Foods like milk, sardines, eggs, spinach, fortified cereal, collard greens and orange juice are a must in your bone strengthening diet. Also, prunes and raisins provide boron and other nutrients that are insufficient in today’s diet, needed for strong bones.


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Six Non-Dairy Bone Building Superfoods


Experts have begun to understand it takes more than calcium to maintain bone health. Vitamins D and K, magnesium, manganese, bio-flavanoids and trace minerals all play an important role. If you are concerned about building and maintaining strong bones, you will want to include the following non-dairy bone building superfoods in your diet – Dark Leafy Greens, Chia Seeds, Blackstrap Molasses, Broccoli, Bok Choy, Nuts, Bone Broth, and Canned Fish.

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Foods To Improve Bone Density And Prevent Damage

Combat joint pain and stiffness with apples, turmeric, ginger, garlic, pecan nuts, and almonds. These contain properties that can reduce joint inflammation and aches. Olive oil and coconut oil is also beneficial as they help in repair and production of cartilage. Coconut oil can be consumed and also massaged onto aching joints.


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Eat Prunes And Plums For Healthy Bones

Prunes (dried plums) are most popularly used for their laxative effects, but a growing body of research indicates that prunes offer significant benefits to bone health. Prunes and plums contain a mixture of beneficial polyphenols including neo chlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. Two related compounds that have well-documented antioxidant effects.

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Nutrient-Rich Pecans Are A Must In Your Bone-Building Diet

Pecans contain a spectrum of nutrients – Manganese assists in thyroxin and connective tissue synthesis and forms a potent antioxidant with copper and zinc. Copper strengthens blood vessel walls and zinc helps generate new bone cells. Calcium regulates muscle contractions and blood oxygen levels. Vitamins B, C, and K boost immunity regulate coagulation and curtail inflammation.

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Is Meat Bad For Your Bones?

The excess sulfur amino acids in meat are metabolized to sulfur-based acids; as organic buffers are released from bone to neutralize the acid, the mineralized matrix of bone tissue is also dissolved. Thus, the theory is explained. However, practically, it has not been claimed accurate. Thus, eating it in moderation might help.

Strong Bones High Calcium Apricot Smoothie

Apricots have either significant or moderate amounts of all the minerals necessary for healthy bone growth. Calcium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and copper all play a certain role in the creation of bone matter. Therefore, eating apricots can ensure the healthy growth and development of your bones, as well as preventing various age-related conditions, including osteoporosis. This post covers a recipe video to make a delicious and healthy bone strengthening apricot smoothie.

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