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6 Lifestyle Tweaks To Make If You Have PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine system disorder caused in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled cysts in the ovaries which interfere with their normal functioning. Women with PCOS have irregular or absent periods, excessive growth of facial and body hair (due to excess androgen production), obesity, and acne.

While the exact cause of PCOS is not known, scientists say that excess insulin production or insulin resistance, low-grade inflammation, and heredity could be possible culprits. Prolonged impact of PCOS can lead to further complications like infertility, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, uterine cancer, gestational diabetes, sleep apnea, and depression. The treatment is usually symptomatic and does not ensure complete cure. Medication is prescribed to help regulate menstrual cycles, aid in ovulation, and control hair growth.


While it can be tough to live with PCOS, making slight adjutments or tweaks in one’s lifestyle can help manage it better.

Lifestyle Changes That Help Manage PCOS

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1. Watch Your Weight

PCOS can impact both slender and overweight women, however, the condition is quite serious in overweight or obese women. Approximately 50% of the women with PCOS are obese.1 The easiest way to manage weight is to not pile on extra pounds, especially around your abdomen area. The key is to follow a diet that helps you maintain an optimum weight and not add to it.


In case you are obese, follow a regular workout regime. Shift your focus from losing weight to staying active. Consult with your doctor to know what diet and form of exercise can help achieve the desired effect a. maintain a healthy weight; b. not gain more weight.

Fad diets are gaining a lot of importance in today’s time. They mainly focus on consuming a low carb–high protein diet.2 However, they completely ignore the emphasis on the intake of minerals and vitamins. This, in a long run, decreases the metabolism of the body, reducing your blood pressure. The body goes into a starvation mode where all the food you eat gets converted and stored as fat, voiding your efforts of losing weight.


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2. Make Dietary Changes


Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas which helps the cells convert glucose into energy. Women with PCOS have insulin resistance, because of which they cannot effectively use this hormone, resulting in high blood sugar. A normal individual can get 45–60% of his daily recommended calories from carbohydrates. But women with PCOS are expected to stick to the lower range of around 43%. This results in better insulin sensitivity.

Cutting down on carbs completely, however, could be a grave mistake. It starves your body of essential carbohydrates, resulting in a sudden decline in glucose, leading to a drop in blood pressure. The trick is to include complex carbohydrates that are also high in fiber. Complex carbs take longer to digest, which, in turn, leads to a slow rise in sugar levels. High-fiber carbohydrates include whole-grain bread and cereals, brown rice, barley, whole-wheat pasta, beans, and bulgur wheat. It is also suggested that you avoid simple carbohydrates which you often crave for. Some of them are cookies, doughnuts, soda, packed fruit juices, ice creams, and pies.


Including daily recommended portion of proteins of 46 grams or slightly more helps you compensate the calories you avoided consuming lesser carbs. Proteins from sources like fish, dairy, beans, poultry, and eggs are suggested.

Switching the fat sources from bad cholesterol to good cholesterol is yet another necessary change. This means, avoiding pizzas, fries, burgers, and sausages, and switching to nuts, seeds, and avocados.


Munching on fruits and raw vegetables does not just supply the essential vitamins and minerals, but can also replace unhealthy snacking.

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3. Give Up On Stimulants


The most common forms of stimulants that can worsen the condition of PCOS are caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, and amphetamine. If you are under the influence of any of these, it is suggested that you quit them before they cause a havoc in your body.

Studies show that women with PCOS, who drink coffee regularly, are more susceptible to developing type-2 diabetes. As your insulin resistance is already high, consuming caffeine can further decrease the sensitivity. Research also indicates that consuming more than 4 cups of coffee per day can cause infertility in women. As PCOS directly impacts the fertility, grabbing that cup of coffee every time you crave for it can only do more harm.

We all have read enough and more about the ill impacts of smoking cigarettes. From increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease to infertility, nicotine has done no good. In healthy women, the ovarian function drastically reduces with persistent smoking. 3 And, in case of women with PCOS, the already compromised ovarian function is put into further turmoil.

Like tobacco, cocaine and amphetamine also have adverse effects on the ovarian function of women with PCOS.

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4. Relax And Unwind

Seeing your body go against you is daunting, be it a failure of losing weight or getting your cheeks waxed every fifteen days. In addition, the above-mentioned factors can make you infertile. And, the inability to conceive is extremely demotivating. Such things often make a woman with PCOS slip into anxiety and depression.

Practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques have shown effective results in managing these symptoms. These work by releasing endorphins in the body, which are the feel-good hormones. Apart from lifting your mood up, these exercises also improve your mental strength, letting you deal the health issues with better visibility.

A relaxing bubble bath once a week can also soothe your muscles and nerves.

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5. Maintain A Regular Sleep Routine

Uninterrupted sleep of 7–8 hours is recommended for everyone. A disturbed sleep can make any of us irritated, cranky, and unalert all day. The increasing levels of stress in women with PCOS necessitates the importance of regular sleep routine even more. Dealing with the physical and mental agitation requires clarity of thoughts and that is attainable through a good night’s sleep.

Studies show that the expected weight loss results are optimistically achievable if one has a regular sleep-wake cycle. It also improves the hormonal function.

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6. Seek Support And Help When Needed

It is important to know that you are not alone. Many women out there face similar physical and mental blues. Join a community or a support group where you can share your experience. Being a part of these group(s) can help one find useful tips and tricks to manage PCOS. Feel free to share with your doctor the changes you are going through and ask for help on getting over the symptoms.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for this condition. Since each woman experiences a combination of these symptoms and reacts differently to different medications or approach, understanding what works best for you helps. Just because you have an ailment doesn’t mean you cannot live a happy life, your attitude and approach can make a difference.


1 Hoeger, Kathleen. “Obesity and weight loss in polycystic ovary syndrome.” Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America 28, no. 1 (2001): 85-97.
2 Bachman, Jolene M. “The low-carbohydrate diet in primary care OB/GYN.” Primary care update for Ob/Gyns 8, no. 1 (2001): 12-17.
3 Van Voorhis, Bradley J., Jeffrey D. Dawson, Dale W. Stovall, Amy ET Sparks, and Craig H. Syrop. “The effects of smoking on ovarian function and fertility during assisted reproduction cycles.” Obstetrics & Gynecology 88, no. 5 (1996): 785-791.
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