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How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally

how to reduce breast size naturally

If you’re a naturally large-breasted woman or are struggling with post-pregnancy upsized breasts or your bosoms have become plumper simply because you’ve gained weight, you may love the size of your assets but you’ll probably agree that they can be…inconvenient.

Contrary to what miracle cures claim, merely popping pills or using topical creams won’t help reduce breast size. Also, spot reduction is something that experts are skeptical about. However, if your breasts are swollen due to mastitis or are engorged due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are natural solutions that really work. The same goes for premenstrual swelling. You should also consider an overall fitness regimen to lose weight and tone up – it will help burn some fat off your girls as well.


Natural Ways To Reduce Breast Size

If PMS, lactation, or a mammary infection is causing your breasts to fill up, you can tap into the following solutions to ease some of your discomforts:

1. Premenstrual Breast Swelling

Breasts tend to swell during the second half of the menstrual cycle. Besides a feeling of fullness, you may experience tenderness and a dull heavy pain as well. Some women also say their breasts feel extremely dense and even bumpy toward the circumference. This happens because of two reasons – estrogen peaks mid-cycle causing your breast ducts to enlarge and progesterone peaks around day 21 and makes the milk glands in your breasts grow.


Here are some natural remedies for reducing breast size from swelling due to the hormonal changes of the menstrual period:1

2. Engorged Breasts In Lactating Mothers

Engorgement is especially a concern if you do not nurse your child and use formula milk instead, if your baby doesn’t suckle properly, or the duration you nurse is inadequate. The following natural remedies can provide you some relief. It is important to note that these methods help reduce swelling and engorgement alone and not your natural breast size.2


3. Mastitis-induced Breast Inflammation

Some women experience redness, swelling, and pain due to mammary inflammation. This condition known as mastitis is common in the first couple of months after giving birth. The swollen area may feel hot to touch. Fever, chills, and aches may accompany the swelling.4

An anti-inflammatory ayurvedic remedy, turmeric is used topically to ease swelling and inflammation. In one study, a cream prepared from curcumin (an isolated component of turmeric) was applied topically to the breasts of lactating mothers who had mastitis-induced swelling. In just 72 hours they showed significant improvement in their condition.5


Weight Loss Advice For Naturally Large Breasts

If you’re overweight or obese, chances are the excess weight is causing your breasts to be larger than you’d like them to be. While spot reduction is not the most advisable solution, muscle-targeted toning exercises and yoga asanas are.

Strength Training Exercises To Reduce Breast Size

For visible results, combine cardio workouts like running, walking, aerobics, or swimming for a high-calorie burn with resistance and strength training focused on specific muscle groups.6 This will ensure you retain muscle in the chest area to keep your breasts from sagging when you lose weight.


Assuming you accommodate the recommended 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or vigorous activity every week, here are some exercises targeting the muscles that hold up the breasts.7

1. Dumbbell Chest Press


This exercise works your chest muscles. Get someone to be your “spotter” if you need help with the weights.8

2. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press


Similar to the dumbbell chest press, but performed on an incline bench that’s between 45 and 60 degrees. This works your chest and shoulder muscles that support the breasts.9

3. Lying Chest Fly

This exercise targets your chest and shoulders as well.10

4. Push Ups

Good old-fashioned push ups are a great way to work those chest and shoulder muscles. They can help improve muscle tone around the breast, lifting them and reducing the feeling of heaviness.11

Yoga Asanas To Reduce Breast Size

As with mainstream exercise, these asanas can help you improve muscle tone which could help how your breasts feel too. However, they cannot reduce the size of the actual breast. Try the following poses:

1. Bow Pose

The dhanur asana stretches the body and strengthens the back muscles which can help those who have back problems linked to heavy or large breasts.12

2. Camel Pose

Also known as ustrasana, the camel pose helps open up the chest and is good for the chest as well as overall posture.13

3. Cow Face Pose

The gomukhasana focuses on your chest and shoulders and stretches the upper back and chest, handy for anyone carrying extra weight on their upper body.14

Don’t feel overwhelmed if you feel top-heavy. With consistent exercise and a healthy diet you will achieve the shape most suitable for your body type. Perseverance and positivity are key!


1 Premenstrual Breast Changes. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
2 How to Relieve Breast Pain When You Don’t Breastfeed after Delivery. Alameda County Public Health Department.
3 Arora, Smriti, Manju Vatsa, and Vatsla Dadhwal. “A comparison of cabbage leaves vs. hot and cold compresses in the treatment of breast engorgement.” Indian journal of community medicine 33, no. 3 (2008): 160.
4 Mastitis. National Health Service.
5 Afshariani, Raha, Pooya Farhadi, Fariborz Ghaffarpasand, and Jamshid Roozbeh. “Effectiveness of topical curcumin for treatment of mastitis in breastfeeding women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Oman medical journal 29, no. 5 (2014): 330.
6 Targeted Fat Loss: Myth or Reality? Yale Scientific.
7 Weight-loss and Nutrition Myths. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
8 Chest Press. American Council on Exercise.
9 Incline Chest Press. American Council on Exercise.
10 Lying Chest Fly. American Council on Exercise.
11 Push-up. Council on Exercise.
12 Bow Pose. Yoga Journal.
13 Camel Pose. Yoga Journal.
14 Work Flexibility in One of Yoga’s Oldest Poses. Yoga Journal.
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