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7 Effective Exercises To Manage Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

It is a totally different experience when you feel “weak in the knees” when you think of someone you like in the romantic sense.

But, if your body is showing actual signs of weakness in your knees, it cannot be a good sign. The knee is the largest joint in the human body and probably the most complex one, too.


Your knees take the weight of your entire body but, at the same time, make movements like bending and turning possible with ease.

A pain in your knees can be quite a hard thing to face irrespective your age. Osteoarthritis – a degenerative joint disease that occurs due to the wearing out of protective tissues at the ends of the bones – causes pain in the knees.


The good news is that there are several things you can do to reduce the effects of osteoarthritis of the knees like managing weight, exercising, reducing strain on the knees, etc.

Most patients with knee pain caused due to osteoarthritis can benefit from the knee exercises if done regularly and correctly. Let’s examine the types of exercises osteoarthritis (of the knee) patients should consider doing on a regular basis.


Types Of Exercises For Knee Osteoarthritis

Most people with knee osteoarthritis may be under the impression that exercising can only worsen the pain than provide them relief.


However, this is not true. Exercises that are not too intense can help strengthen the knees and the areas around the knees.

There are different kinds of exercises that an individual with osteoarthritis knee can perform to manage the pain. Some of these exercises include the following:


Let’s examine a few simple exercises that you can perform at home. If you are a beginner it is always better to have a certified instructor or physiotherapist to help you perform the exercises correctly.

Also, make sure to start slow – try one exercise for about 10 minutes or perform one set of 3–4 repetitions and slowly work your way up to 8or 10 repetitions.


1. Knee Squats

You will require a support for this exercise like a chair or a table surface that can hold your body weight.



2. Quad Stretch

This exercise also requires a support like a chair or any other support that can hold your body weight.


3. Step Ups

This exercise requires the use of stairs. If you do not have stairs to perform this exercise, you can use the stepper at the gym or even a footrest that can support your body weight.


4. Straight Leg Raise

There are two versions of the straight leg raise. One can be done by lying down while the other can be done while sitting.

Steps For Leg Raise While Lying Down:

Steps For Leg Raise While Sitting:

5. Knee Strengthener

The knee strengthener exercise can be done in two different ways. For this exercise, you will require a resistance band big enough to form a loop around both your legs. This exercise should be done while sitting on a chair.

Steps For Exercise 1:

Steps For Exercise 2:

6. Legs Cross

This exercise can be done sitting either at the edge of a table or your bed.


7. Hamstring Stretch

This exercise can be performed by sitting on a chair.


Performing these exercises can reduce the knee pain, improve flexibility, and reduce the stiffness, thereby increasing the knee function and supporting it in a healthy way.

If you are not sure of the severity of your knee condition, communicate with your doctor the exercise that you can do.


1 Exercising With Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Foundation.
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