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Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Alternative medicine has taught for years, that cholesterol is the fireman at the fire – but cholesterol DOES NOT cause the fire.   Alternative medicine has taught for years, that inflammation causes heart problems.   Low cholesterol does cause heart problems and a variety of other issues – even Ayurvedic medicine, 1000s of years old – knew this.

The higher the cholesterol, the better your health!!  Studies repeatedly show this. Why?


But conventional medicine has been taught, since the 60′s, that cholesterol is the problem.   The research that supported the concept that cholesterol was the problem – was hugely faulty and poorly understood.

We have been teaching this for years…decades of research has shown that cholesterol and saturated fats are not the problem


But conventional medicine makes a lot of money by prescribing statin drugs.  Statin drugs not only prevent your body from making the much needed cholesterol BUT it also prevents your body from making the even more required C0Q10 – needed in every cell of the body to make the fuel for the cell to function!

Now leading heart surgeons and pharmaceutical researchers (who are often retiring) are coming out and acknowledging the Cholesterol Myth.



We want to eat foods that regulate good cholesterol levels…


Eat good healthy fats:

Here’s to your health!!

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