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How To Reduce Acne By Using Castor Oil

Castor oil is an astringent skin cleanser that can be used to treat acne. Its antibacterial properties fight the harmful bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammation caused by acne. Acne can be treated by exposing the face to castor oil and steam, or by applying a mixture of castor oil and a suitable carrier oil, on the infected area.

15 Simple Tricks To Help You Stop Fidgeting With Your Hair

Many of us have an irritating habit of pulling our hair from time to time. Is it productive at all? Of course, not! However,...

Top 6 Tips To Prevent Premature Skin Aging

Everybody wants to look beautiful and radiant, irrespective of whether they are young or old. But age creeps on our skin and for some, it happens quite early too. One of the first signs of prematurely aging skin is the loss of complexion, fine lines and pigmentation. Lack of sleep, irregular food habits, stress, smoking, and harsh environmental conditions are all lifestyle factors that cause premature aging of the skin.

7 Amazing Benefits Of Jasmine Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health

The heady jasmine oil has quite the reputation as an aphrodisiac. But this precious oil can do much more for you. Use jasmine oil to improve your mood, lower anxiety, relieve sore muscles, and ease menopausal symptoms. Jasmine oil can work for your skin and hair as well, helping moisturize, soothe, and nourish them. A massage with jasmine oil can reduce pain during the first stage of labor.

How To Get Rid Of Household Odors Naturally

Odors in the house especially the kitchen can be difficult to deal with. Using apple cider vinegar, coffee grounds or lemon juice can keep the odor away and make your house smell fresh. Onions can also absorb the musty smell from your room or basement. Green tea leaves, vanilla extract and baking soda can eliminate odor from shoes, fridge or your room.

Oily Skin? Use These 7 Honey Face Masks

Honey is wonderful for controlling oily skin. This will decrease acne, which is caused by a buildup of sebum, dirt, and bacteria. You can use honey by itself, but green tea and turmeric will absorb even more oil. Clay powder and cornstarch are useful for soaking up extra sebum, while mashed papaya will treat discoloration. To make an exfoliating mask, add sugar and massage in circular motions. Keep your hair out of the way – these masks are sticky!

6 Common Beach Myths You’ve Got To Stop Believing

Nothing says summer like a day at the beach. However, despite our undying love for the beach, precious little is known about beach safety....

6 Chemicals In Makeup That May Affect Your Health

Most cosmetics contain toxic elements. Cadmium found in eye shadows and mascaras may cause kidney and bone diseases. Toluene found in nail polish may affect the central nervous system. Benzophenones used in sunscreens may cause skin reactions like dermatitis. Parabens found in shampoos is associated with breast cancer. Lead in lipsticks may cause behavioral disorders. Talc in powders may cause ovarian cancer.

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