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You Asked: Your Top 50 Health Questions Answered

1. How To Reset Your Hormones And Melt Fat?

There is a direct relationship between hormones and weight loss. The very aspect of weight loss is controlled by your hormones, including your metabolism. If you are aspiring to lose weight, resetting your hormones can be an efficient way.

Naturopathic expert — Dr. Natasha Turner has long studied ways to naturally enhance life and weight loss with the right diet and lifestyle changes, through hormone changes and has also come up with several books.


2. How To Get Rid Of Stinky Morning Breath?

Bad morning breath is a problem faced by a number of people. People who crawl into bed at night with sparkling clean mouths might also wake up the next morning with a stinky morning breath. However, the intensity of bad breath varies from person to person.


3. What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping Naked?

One of the most important activities that keeps us healthy throughout our lives is sleeping. Sleeping is as important as eating and when one gets deprived of it, it can cause fatal health issues.


4. How To Get Nicotine Out Of Your System Fast ?

When you smoke a cigarette, nicotine circulating in the bloodstream gives a kind of high. On an average 6-8 hours is how long the nicotine from a single cigarette lasts. Most of that nicotine will get eliminated in the urine. It takes 48-72 hours for most of the stored nicotine to be metabolized and leave your body.


5. Why Should You Squat To Poop?

Experts have pointed out that the squatting position is more natural and can help avoid colon disease, constipation, hemorrhoids, pelvic floor issues and similar ailments. In fact in Ayurvedic traditions, elimination of poop is integral to one’s well-being and the squatting position is called as ‘malasana’ in yoga.


6. Basic Kegel Exercises And Their Benefits

Kegel exercises, which are also known as pelvic floor exercises consist of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor. This article elaborates on how to perform basic kegel exercises and the various benefits of kegel exercises.


7. Calorie Burning Drinks That Works While You Sleep

Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. Making smart choices about what you eat (like fat burning foods and calorie burning drinks) can help boost your metabolism even while sleeping.  Drink Sip this healthy drink before bed and you’ll wake up feeling lighter and more energetic.


8. Can Honey And Lemon Help Lose Weight?

Over ages, the health benefits of drinking honey and lemon in warm water has had many takers and staunch believers who vouch by its miraculous fat melting properties. This potent combination triggers an increase in bile production from the liver and stimulates and hydrates the colon helping expel toxins, bacteria, undigested food and prevents constipation.

9. Does Sleeping In Bra Prevent Breasts From Sagging?

Ptosis of the breast is the medical term for drooping or sagging female breasts. There may be conflicting views regarding the association of wearing a bra while sleeping and the prevention of sagging breasts, while some experts advocate sleeping bra-free at night while others strongly believe that wearing a bra at night does prevent breasts sagging. However, there is very little scientific data supporting each group. Having said that it is my belief, that wearing bra at all times, especially for an individual who is more prone to breast sagging would certainly reduce the incidence of ptosis. The support provided by a bra would work against the effect of gravity, which would otherwise cause the stretching of the supporting skin and ligaments of the breasts, hence making it droop due to the downward gravitational pull.

10. Do I Lose Vital Nutrition Through Masturbation?

This is a question that you have to really answer for yourself, based on honest self-observation and a clear understanding of Ayurvedic concepts. Ayurveda teaches that whatever makes the body grow heavier, more lubricated, more warm, and that which promotes a feeling of happiness is “nutritious”. So this is different from modern nutritional science in that Ayurveda teaches that nutrition comes from all the substances we “consume”:

11. Foods That Will Help You Get A Flat Stomach?

Stomach fat can be due to an array of factors. Lack of exercise, over sleeping the afternoons, as well as an unhealthy diet and lifestyle may collectively lead to this particular state. Here are the surprising  foods for flat stomach, which will help you shed inches and pounds and also to banish the bloat.

12. Herbal Detox Drink That Can Melt Fat In 4 Days

One of the factors that lead to increased weight is slow metabolism. However, it is not only important to lose weight it is also essential to eliminate the harmful fats and to boost your immune system.

Here’s the recipe for a wonder drink that helps to reduce your weight and accelerate the function of your metabolism. The magic about this drink is that it is exceptionally effective in melting excessive belly fat. Melt fat and say hi to a gorgeous new you!!

13. Home Remedies For Sagging Breasts?

Breast sagging is a natural process that happens with age wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity. Breasts do not have muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissues and milk-producing glands, and they need proper care to keep them in good shape.

14. How Many Times A Week Is Masturbation Healthy?

This is a question that you have to really answer for yourself, based on honest self-observation and a clear understanding of Ayurvedic concepts. Ayurveda teaches that whatever makes the body grow heavier, more lubricated, more warm, and that which promotes a feeling of happiness is “nutritious”.

15. How To Safely Remove Earwax At Home?

Earwax is actually a helpful and natural part of your body’s defenses. It protects your ear canal by trapping dirt and slowing the growth of bacteria. It’s not known why some people experience earwax blockage or why earwax blockage often occurs in only one ear.

16. How Can I Use Amla To Lose Weight?

Indian gooseberry or ‘amla’ is a well- known anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial fruit. Apart from being an excellent source of Vitamin C (more than 2 oranges), it can also help detox and boost protein metabolism which helps in weight loss. 

17. How To Reverse Gray Hair Naturally To Its Original Color?

Gray hair, according to new findings, is caused by a massive buildup of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear on hair follicles. All hair cells make a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, but as you age, the amount increases. Essentially, bleaching hair pigment from within will reverse gray hair. Natural remedies for gray hair can treat effectively problems such as thinning hair and premature graying.

18. How Do Chia Seeds Assist With Weight Loss?

Chia seeds contain 69 calories for every 2 tablespoons of seeds but contain 20% of recommended daily fiber intake. This fiber (attached to the outside of the seed)  when exposed to any liquid absorbs almost 9x times its own weight and each seed form its own gel “shell” which is sticky and bulky. It is this gel that not only “bloats” your tummy, making it feel full and satiated, but also is slow to digest, thereby resisting the urge to overeat.

19. How Do I Get A Flat Stomach?

Following a certain diet to get rid of the spherical tummy you despise is surely one of the best ways to get a flat stomach. However, on the other hand, even exercising, working out or yoga for that matter can be pursued to attain the same goal.

20. Armpit Detox: Natural Ways Of Cleansing Armpits

A daily smear of chemicals under your arms that intentionally clog pores is probably a bad idea, but that’s exactly what most people do. They smear a host of chemicals to make themselves smell ‘good’. But the results hardly last all day and may take frequent re-applying depending on the sweat level of the person. Hence, for healthy armpits, free from chemical smear, you need a natural armpit detox.

21. How To Get Rid Of Jiggly Arms?

Jiggly arms can be embarrassing. These jiggly parts of your arms are called triceps. Your triceps are the large muscles at the back of your upper limb and are primarily responsible for straightening the arms. There are two main causes of flabby arms, the first one is age and the second is body fat.

22. How To Get Rid Of Shingles Naturally?

Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. It (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. Although, shingles can occur anywhere on your body, most of the times it appears as a single stripe of blisters either on the left or the right side of your torso.

23. How To Remove Facial Hair Naturally?

Removing body hair is practiced widely by women and more recently by men. Facial hair bothers some women, so they use many techniques to remove them. However, what is important to remember is that every individual differs, so their hair growth differs.

24. How To Grow Thicker Eyebrows Naturally?

Thick eyebrows enhance beauty, and are a desire by all.  Thick eyebrows accentuate the face and also make you look younger. Firstly, you must remember to increase your intake of water to flush out all the toxins that inhibit hair growth.

25. How To Heal Cracked Feet Naturally?

Understanding the cause of the problem is the most important thing that helps to figure out the solution for it. Thus, first, let’s find out what could possibly cause cracked feet.

26. How To Keep Your Toilet Clean Naturally?

A dirty toilet is one of the most unpleasant but also the most common sights in a place of office or residence. Harsh chemicals can clean your toilet well, but did you know you can keep your toilet clean naturally with all natural products.

27. How To Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days?

Losing weight in a short span of time can be quite of an uphill task for many. Now Generally to lose about 10 pounds in a week, people resort to crash diets, the general motor diet plan or hours in the gym. There are several diet plans that can help you shed weight easily in 7 days, but they generally end up leaving you sick and nutrition deprived.

28. How To Lose Leg Fat In Thirty Days?

There are several health issues that can arise due to the accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore it is very important to keep the balance maintained all the time. Here is an easy thirty days regime that will help you reduce leg fat. However, this requires a plan of healthy diet, cardiovascular workouts and leg toning exercises.

29. How To Naturally Tighten Skin After Weight Loss?

You’ve worked out really hard to achieve the look you desire. However, loose and saggy skin might be an hindrance and will make you look bulky. Loose or saggy skin is generally the result of extreme weight loss or pregnancy.  Now, when you lose weight quickly, the elastic components of your skin lose layers of fat that keep them stretched out over your body, and take time for their elasticity to adapt to your new shape. 

30. How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours?

One of the major diseases afflicting a majority of people in todays’s toxin filled world is lungcancer. Unfortunately you need not be a smoker to run the risk of contracting lung related diseases. Therefore, cleansing the lungs once in a while could be your natural way to stave off respiratory disorders.

31. How to Reduce Snoring with a Simple Juice

Snoring usually occurs when a person is going into deep sleep from light sleep. The throat tissues and the roof palate tissues relax obstructing the airway. The air then pushes forcefully into the air passage resulting in a sound we know as snoring. Allergies, asthma, cold, nasal congestion, and sinus infection can cause snoring.

32. How To Lose Face Fat?

The face and cheeks are not immune from carrying excess fat. Chubby cheeks and double chins endorse that statement. Losing weight from a specific part of the body is technically difficult. You will have to work on your entire body, to tone your face and reduce puffiness. Here are a few tips to reduce face fat.

33. How to Regrow Lost Hair?

Hair fall is a natural process and almost everyone sheds hair on a daily basis. However, ‘hair loss’ happens when new hairs don’t replace the lost hairs or you begin shedding more hair than usual. Anyway, good news is, yes! You can regrow hair.

34. How To Remove Dark Spots Naturally?

Dark spots formation is one of the most common skin problems seen in both young and old adults. Also known as hyper pigmentation, these dark spots vary colour from red to brown to slightly blackish in colour. These dark spots tend to occur in different parts of the body, mostly seen on the face, neck, shoulders, arms and back.

35. Most Effective Natural Remedies for Mole Removal

Mole is not harmful but can make you self-conscious. They can occur either naturally or due to accidents, burn injuries, scars or skin diseases. Moles can be naturally removed with simple home remedies. These home remedies will help in mole removal instantly and are very effective.

36. How To Tone Arms Easily?

If you have a problem with going sleeveless because of how your arms look, don’t be upset. There are several things that one can actually do to tone her arms. However, most think that to achieve the shapely and well sculpted arm, it will take much effort.

37. How To Whiten Underarms Naturally?

The dark coloration of the skin is not much of a disease or an intense medical condition. Moreover, you can say that it is the skin’s response to exposure to certain elements, similar to a suntan that results from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

38. Is Banana A Weight-Gain Or A Weight-Loss Fruit?

Bananas contains approx 105 calories, out of which just 3 come from fat. The amount of carbs (around 27) in the form of fruit sugars should also not worry you much as these are broken into glucose instantly providing energy for your workouts and any strenuous activity. Ask any athlete, weight trainer, nutritionist or healthy-living buff and he will vouch by the boost that the humble banana provides.

39. Is Circumcision necessary and healthy?

Circumcision has been practiced for centuries by many people around the world for a multitude of reasons. This makes it a hugely debatable issue.

40. Is it bad to wear a bra when going to bed?

This is one debate that will rage till eternity. While most ladies avoid wearing a bra when going to bed to avoid marks, the “constricted” feeling and even the fear of blocking the lymphatic glands leading to breast cancer, there are the religious nighttime-bra-wearers (like Marilyn Monroe) who strongly believe that it prevents their breasts from sagging. 

41. Baking Soda And Lemon: A Miraculous Combination

Studies have shown that baking soda and lemon juice could be a miraculous combination as it has the potential to kill the cancer cells. One of the largest manufacturers of drugs, states that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 they have proved that: Lemon cures cancer as it destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. 

42. Simple Tips Before Bedtime For Quick Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight can be an incredibly frustrating experience for most people. Since our body burns calories, both day and night, the following tips to be followed before bedtime could help in quick and effective weight loss.

43. Tips And Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, swollen veins near the surface of the skin and occur when weak or defective valves allow blood to flow backward or stagnate within the vein. Varicose veins can be caused by aging, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, injuries, or prolonged standing.

44. What Are The First Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer?

Unlike the common myth that a lump is the only indication of breast cancer, there are multiple symptoms that can help in proactively seeking advanced diagnostics and medical help at an early stage. 

45. Are There Any Herbal Treatments For Sciatica Pain?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down through each leg. Sciatica is the term used to describe pain originating in this nerve, either due to compression, inflammation, or general irritation.

46. What Do Pungent Farts Say About Your Health?

Fart is an English language word most commonly used to refer flatulence, which is the medical term for gas generated in the stomach or bowels. It is normal for humans to pass flatus through the rectum, although the volume and frequency may vary greatly between individuals. 

47. What Foods Kill Your Libido and Poison Your Sex Drive?

Certain foods may enhance your sex drive whereas some can ruin your libido and can cause serious problems in your sex life. While an anaphrodisiac is something that lowers the libido, aphrodisiac is something that enhances sexual appetite. Loss of libido is a common problem that can affect approximately 1 in 5 men and even more women at some point in their life.

48. Which foods Improve Your Vaginal Health?

Vaginal infections and irritations can be very painful. Itching, burning, redness or any kind of discomfort can make you restless and uncomfortable. Here are a few foods that you must incorporate in your diet for a healthy vagina.

49. Benefits Of Soaking And Sprouting Nuts

I absolutely love nuts. I really could nibble on them all day. People are often scared that this will make them fat, but I lost my last 10 pounds while including nuts as part of my daily regimen. So I thought, if I’m obsessed with nuts, others must feel the same way.

50. What Is Vagina Detox And How To Do It At Home?

Vagina detox (vaginal steaming) is all about using steam and a selection of herbs to cleanse the vagina.

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