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All About Cellulite And What To Do About It

Cellulite is one of the most common beauty woes. It’s right up there with blackheads, hyperpigmentation, and hair loss. Countless products claim to get rid of it, but don’t waste your money. Specific habits will do a better job at finally controlling cellulite.

What Is Cellulite?


Simply put, cellulite is pockets of fat that collect just under the skin’s surface.1 This creates a dimpled, “cottage cheese” look. Some say it resembles an orange peel. Cellulite is most common on the thighs, hips, and butt. It affects more females than men, especially after giving birth. Roughly 80 to 90 percent of all women have cellulite.2

How Does Cellulite Develop?


The major cause is repeated tissue tension and stretching. That’s why cellulite is often seen in obesity, rapid weight gain, and pregnancy. Inflammatory, lymphatic, and circulatory problems can also play a part.3

Women And Cellulite

1. Estrogen


Often, problems can be traced back to hormones. It’s no different with cellulite! Estrogen is needed to produce collagen, the structural protein that keeps skin strong and tight. Cellulite develops when there isn’t enough. For older females, this is a common problem. Menopause is marked by estrogen deficiency, which means less collagen and skin fibers. The result is cellulite and skin dimpling.4

2. Fat


Compared to men, women typically have more fat. Estrogen is also in charge of arranging fatty tissue. But when there’s less estrogen, more fat cells are produced, and pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels increases. It’s a recipe for cellulite. This happens regardless of what’s eaten. In other words, weight gain is a totally separate factor that can increase the risk on its own.5

3. Skin Thinness


Women naturally have thinner skin. It’s seen across all age groups, but becomes more common with age.6 Therefore, pockets of fat are that much more obvious.

What To Do About Cellulite

The good news is that cellulite isn’t dangerous. It doesn’t hurt or affect your health. However, it can make many women feel self-conscious. Here’s how you can make it less noticeable.


1. Eat Antioxidants

Antioxidants can do more than prevent chronic disease. They tighten blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, which alleviates pressure, a factor of cellulite.7 It’s a pretty good reason to eat more fruits and veggies!


2. Drink Green Tea

The caffeine in green tea stimulates lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat. It also contains flavonoids and antioxidants which tighten those same vessels.8 Both effects will benefit cellulite.

3. Massage

Getting regular massages is an excellent act of self-care. But if you’re on a budget, do it yourself. Simply massage the areas affected by cellulite. This reduces swelling, promotes circulation, and makes dimpling less noticeable.9

4. Exercise

Physical activity is one of the best ways to prevent (and hide) cellulite. As you shed pounds, there will be less fat to collect.10 Strength training will also build muscle, tighten skin, and make cellulite less visible.

As you can see, controlling cellulite falls in line with general healthy habits. Why spend cash on expensive products? Instead, work on a solid wellness routine. While cellulite can’t exactly disappear, these healthy habits will reduce the appearance of dimpling.


1 Cellulite. MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
2, 3 Friedmann, Daniel P., Garrett Lane Vick, and Vineet Mishra. “Cellulite: a review with a focus on subcision.” Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology 10 (2017): 17.
4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Leszko, Marta. “Cellulite in menopause.” Przeglad menopauzalny= Menopause review 13, no. 5 (2014): 298.
6 Shuster, S. A. M., MARTIN M. BLACK, and E. V. A. Mcvitie. “The influence of age and sex on skin thickness, skin collagen and density.” British Journal of Dermatology 93, no. 6 (1975): 639-643.
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