How To Get Rid Of A Blood Blister Naturally Using Home Remedies

how to naturally get rid of a blood blister
how to naturally get rid of a blood blister

We all know how frustrating painful blood blisters can be. These pesky little guys usually form when you get a bruise or accidentally pinch your skin. If your finger has ever gotten caught in a drawer (ouch!), you probably know what this feels like. This can lead to broken blood vessels, forming tiny pouches of fluid in the skin’s upper layers. Blood collects under the damaged skin in order to cushion the tissue underneath, allowing it to heal. It’s your body’s way of going into damage control. By the time new skin grows under the blister, the skin on top will dry and peel off.1 2

If you’re prone to blisters – or just plain clumsy – you might be wondering how to prevent them. Luckily, there are a few simple precautions you can take. Wearing protective gloves while you’re doing heavy manual work or using tools is an awesome start. Using proper shoes while exercising or playing sports can help, too.3 But what if you already have one?


Most blisters heal own their own in about 3 to 7 days. But why wait? Here are some things you can do to help move things along:

1. Ice It

Blood blisters can be downright painful. For instant relief, apply an ice pack on the affected area. Leave it on for between 10 minutes to half an hour. Do remember to place a towel between the ice pack and your skin, though. Otherwise, the ice will directly touch the skin, causing an ice burn and another blister. No thanks!4


2. Shield It

The skin over a blister protects the damaged part from infection. So, it’s important to keep this skin intact. Your best bet is to let it peel off naturally after the skin underneath has healed. If your blister is in a part that experiences pressure – like the sole of your foot – cushion it with dressing to prevent it from bursting. You can cut dressing into the shape of a doughnut, for example. This way, it will fit around the blister and protect it. Remember to change the dressing every day. But if the blister does burst, don’t panic. Avoid peeling the skin off, as it still can work as a protective cover. Keep the area dry, clean, and dressed with sterile gauze to prevent infection.5

3. Try Herbal Remedies For Blood Blisters

There are a few soothing herbs that can help you out. These work by fighting bacteria and alleviating pain and inflammation from an annoying blister.



A calendula salve can encourage healing.6 You can also infuse some almond oil with calendula flowers to make an antiseptic healing oil. The soothing quality is from the triterpene flavonoids and saponins, both of which boast anti-inflammatory properties.7

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has been traditionally used to soothe inflamed skin by Native North American tribes. It can relieve pain, lessen swelling, and quicken healing when applied to a blister.8 It’s anti-inflammatory effects are attributed to the presence of astringent tannins.9


Aloe Vera Gel

When applied to skin, aloe vera gel forms a protective and soothing coating while promoting healing.10 According to research, this cooling substance reduces inflammation and can even help form new tissue.11


Lavender essential oil has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.12 Try diluting some lavender with almond oil. Add a few drops to gauze and apply it to your blister.13



Chamomile works like an antiseptic. It can also fight inflammation and promote wound healing. Simply dampen a chamomile tea bag with some warm water and apply it to your blister for relief.14

