
Vera Kaur

Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin. She was introduced to holistic healthcare from a young age and has always been aware of the body’s innate ability to self-heal. In her twenties Vera visited and lived in ashrams in India, where she observed the holistic healing techniques applied by the traditional energy healers, and has since been drawn to all forms of holistic health. Through meditation and dreams, Vera has the capacity to connect and communicate with the spirit world, from where she was guided to write this book. She feels that this was part of her life path, and wishes for everyone to be empowered with the knowledge of these ancient Indian self-healing therapies.

4 Indian Holistic Therapies To Empower The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are small powerful glands that secrete numerous hormones and work with the nervous system to respond to stress. Traditionally, life was lived...

4 Anti-Aging Indian Therapies For The Body And Mind

In India, anti-aging therapies are holistic practices to strengthen the body’s energies to prevent disease, rejuvenate the body and mind to delay the natural...

Chakra Detoxification Practices For The Mind, Body, And Spirit

The seven main chakras are the foundation of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Open and balanced chakras absorb the universal earth...

4 Ancient Healing Practices For Weight Loss

The human body is a network of subtle energy systems resonating at specific frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It has...

4 Natural Healing Methods To Stop Weight Gain

The human body is composed of pure energy as is everything in the universe. Traditional Indian energy healers believe that the underlying cause of...

4 Holistic Therapies For Weight Loss

The energy systems of the human body operate in harmony with the energy systems of the universe. Traditional methods of healing were based on...

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