
Nandhini Srinivasan


Emergency Delivery: Steps To Follow

There is a small chance that the little one inside the womb might want to escape the uterus before the due date, if it...

7 Ways To Induce Labor Naturally

Is your baby in the womb too cozy to come out even after you are past due date? If your due date has gone...

Baby Skin Care: Facts And Fiction

You probably thought that your baby’s skin is pretty much like other organs – fully formed before birth. In fact, your baby’s skin acts...

Amazing Birth: Mom Reaches Between Legs And Pulls Out Baby Still In Amniotic Sac

All pregnant women want an easy, smooth, and fast delivery. Most of them make it full term and give birth between 36 and 40...

6 Grossest Things About Childbirth You Need To Know!

There are so many amazing things about giving birth. We know pregnancy is totally empowering, hard, and you can hardly doubt your ability, but...

Swelling During Pregnancy: Reasons And Cure

Is your wedding ring too tight on your finger? Are you having puffed up hands? Welcome to the third trimester of pregnancy. Swelling, also known...

How Painful Is Back Labor? Ways To Prevent And Ease The Pain

Sure you have done your homework on labor, birth, delivery, parenting, and what not under the sun about pregnancy well ahead of your D...

Simple Guide To Give Sponge Bath To Your Newborn

First-time parents would probably feel apprehensive to give a bath to their teeny tiny babies. It is quite scary and a slippery affair. A...

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