
Kerry Tombs-Harling

Kerry’s ethos as a health professional is that health is NOT one size fits all. Each of us is unique, and as such require individualized treatment. She has dedicated her life to developing an integrative approach to medicine that combines the individualized approach of Ayurveda with the benefits of modern technology, such as genetic and epigenetic testing. By combining the wisdom of eastern medicine with the breakthroughs of western technology, she is able to create transformational wellness plans, resulting in people living happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. CEO - The Holistic Highway, B.S.- Neuroscience. Masters in Education, TEDx Speaker, Practitioner at University Of Pittsburgh’s Center For Integrative Medicine. Graduate of the Kripalu School For Ayurveda and the Ayurveda Institute.

What is Acupuncture? Health Benefits Of Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a safe and effective alternative for pain relief.  In the West, acupuncture has been adopted as a great holistic approach with many...

Seven Things You Need to Know About Caring for Your Skin During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, fluctuations in important hormone levels can have an impact on your whole body. You can develop new skin conditions, and your face...

Aloe Vera Mask for acne-free skin

Aloe vera is known as “plant of immortality,” due to its myriad of uses for everything from acne to baldness, insomnia, digestive upsets, sepsis...

Basics of Natural Hair Care

Having and maintaining a natural beautiful hair with a soft, vibrant and lustrous glow is something that every woman wants to have. Although many...

Six Shockingly Dangerous Chemicals You Didn’t Know Were in Your Nail Polish

Most women paint their fingernails or toenails at some point, and many do this as regularly as once or twice a week. Bright toenails...

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss

Cucumber is one of the best vegetables for weight loss as it is low in calories and contains lots of water. Broccoli contains no fat and plenty of carb. So carb is slowly released helping keep energy levels up. Beans and spinach have protein and lots of fibre. Carrots have high beta-carotene and fibre. Onions adds flavour and can be a great addition to any meal!

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