
Karthik S


Baking Soda To Tenderize Dry Beans And Prevent Gas

Dry beans are nutritious and can be very tasty if well-cooked. Beans also cause flatulence because of the sugars present in them. But, since they do not absorb moisture easily, some people suggest using baking soda to soften them. Baking soda may tackle both these problems, but it has its own disadvantages. Baking soda removes vitamin B present in the beans and may cause the beans to taste soapy.

How To Balance Your Doshas With Ayurveda And Yoga

The human body consists of three doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each ruled by the five elements (Earth, Water, Air, Space, and Fire). Each one of us has two or three of these doshas that are more dominant and our body and mind are greatly influenced by these. When an imbalance of the doshas occur, it results in physical and mental problems. With the regular practice of Yoga and Ayurveda specific to each dosha, we can balance the doshas.

13 Health Benefits And Medicinal Uses Of Black Caraway

Caraway has been used the world over for centuries because of its curative properties. It is extensively used in many traditional medicines to heal and treat various diseases and disorders. Caraway is an important ingredient in many different culinary preparations and is well-known for its fragrant odor and distinct flavor. It has the power to inhibit cancer cell growth, reduce cholesterol, treat skin conditions, and improve overall health.

7 Adverse Health Effects Of Wearing An Incorrect Bra

Bras come in various shapes and sizes and are meant to support and enhance the breasts. But, wearing the wrong type of bra not only causes the breasts to appear out of shape but also leads to many adverse health conditions. It can cause back and neck pain and can even affect the posture. Hence, women must be aware of the correct size of the bra that they must wear.

9 Simple And Powerful Yoga Poses For Arthritis Relief

Yoga is a proven form of exercise that can help people with arthritis to improve many physical and psychological symptoms. Yoga is prescribed by practitioners as one of the best and most natural methods to beat joint pain, stiffness, and discomfort. Recent scientific studies involving people with various types of arthritis show that regular yoga practice helps reduce joint pain and improve joint flexibility and function.

10 Highly Effective Unconventional Methods To Quit Smoking

Numerous books have been written on how to quit smoking and many people have not succeeded in quitting the habit. When old ideas don’t work, it is time to try something new. Many unconventional techniques often work wonders where the old time-tested ideas fail. Eating right, practicing breathing techniques, and indulging in hobbies can help a person to quit smoking.

9 Warning Signs That Can Help You Identify A Sociopath

Sociopathy or anti-social personality disorder (ASP) is a mental health condition that is not very easy to identify by common people. Sociopaths can be right next to us and we wouldn’t even know. They usually have a poor inner sense of right and wrong, and they find it hard to understand or share the other person’s feelings. Some people with ASP may often display violent behavior. Learning to identify the signs can help you avoid such persons and potential danger.

Can Flying And Blood Clots Pose A Deadly Risk?

People on long-haul flights may have to be seated in a crammed space for hours on end. This puts immense strain on the body and may cause the blood in the legs to clot. If the clot breaks away from the veins and moves to the lungs, it can be deadly. Hence, it is important to move around at regular intervals to ensure proper blood supply all over the body.

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