
Ishwarya Srinivasan


10 Home Remedies To Treat Canker Sores

Canker sores are inflammatory conditions of the mouth, commonly known as mouth ulcers. Known as aphthous stomatitis in medical terms, a canker sore is...

5 Common Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make

Shedding those pounds can be very tough. Sometimes, even when you're doing everything you possibly can, you get no results. This annoys most of...

5 Psychological Tricks To Develop A Fitness Habit

It's not always easy to push yourself out of your warm bed and into a grueling workout session. (Right, it's never easy) So how do...

What is the safest position to sleep in during pregnancy?

Getting some sleep is the hardest thing during pregnancy. Your hips ache, you sweat more than usual and your heartburns only get worse. You...

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