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5 Yoga Poses To Help Boost Your Confidence

These yoga poses can help you feel more confident

We all know that yoga has incredible benefits for the body but did you know that it has amazing effects on the mind as well? One of those effects is a major boost in self-confidence. Through the many facets of its practice, yoga can help you feel more energized and prepared to face your fears. This is how yoga helps boost your confidence.

Here are the 5 poses to boost self-confidence.


1. Tadasana/Palm Tree Pose

This is a variation of the traditional tadasana pose, called the palm tree pose. It allows you to breathe deeply, improving circulation to the entire body including your brain. This wakes you up, makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. It also strengthens your spine, arms, and legs, which may help correct your posture. This can help you feel more confident.


 How To Perform Tadasana/Palm Tree Pose

2. Vrikshasana/Tree Pose

This is an invigorating pose, leaving you rejuvenated and refreshed. It allows you to concentrate more and brings balance to your body. It is a pose that will help open your hips and strengthen your legs, making you stand firmer and taller.


 How To Perform Vrikshasana/Tree Pose

3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward Dog Pose

Downward dog helps to open up the chest. It also helps align the spine and helps improve kidney functioning and helps awaken the nervous system.


How To Perform Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward Dog Pose

4. Virabhadrasana I/ Warrior I

This pose gets its name from Virabhadra, an incarnation of Shiva as a fierce warrior. Remember this as you practice this pose. By channeling this persona, you can be confident in your inner warrior as well.


How To Perform Virabhadrasana I/ Warrior I

5. Virabhadrasana II/ Warrior II


Another of the warrior poses, this pose helps you stretch your hips and groin, while also giving you balance and clarity.

If you are in a stressful situation at work or a public event, you can energize yourself a little more subtly, with this pranayama/deep breathing exercise. It may help you feel more composed in stressful situations


Bhastrika Yoga Pranayama (Bellows Breath)

This pranayama boosts metabolism, and helps clear your respiratory system, strengthening your lung capacity. It will make you feel energized as well.

How to perform this pranayama

Regular practice of these yoga poses will help you feel more confident, energized and ready to face the world head on.


1 Woolery, Alison, Hector Myers, Beth Sternlieb, and Lonnie Zeltzer. “A yoga intervention for young adults with elevated symptoms of depression.” Alternative therapies in health and medicine 10, no. 2 (2004): 60.
2 Michalsen, Andreas, Paul Grossman, Ayhan Acil, Jost Langhorst, Rainer Lüdtke, Tobias Esch, George Stefano, and Gustav Dobos. “Rapid stress reduction and anxiolysis among distressed women as a consequence of a three-month intensive yoga program.” Medical Science Monitor 11, no. 12 (2005): CR555-CR561.
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