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Why My Child’s Milk Teeth Are Not Falling Out In Time?

Is it your child who is curious to meet the tooth fairy or is it you, wondering why aren’t those baby teeth falling off? Most children start losing their milk teeth by the age of 5-6 years. However, it can be delayed to until 7 years and can even happen by as early as 4 years of age.

Usually, parents don’t have to intervene and resort to unpleasant means like tying a thread around the tooth to pulling it out. Your child will come to know that their tooth is about to fall off because it feels wiggly. It usually comes off naturally, while they eating or pushing it with their tongue. There is a permanent tooth that pushes the roots of the baby tooth and makes it fall out.


There are some complications that arise when the permanent teeth are coming, however, none of them concerns with late falling if the milk teeth. Parents should only worry if the permanent teeth are not showing up after the baby teeth fall off. If there are extra teeth preventing the permanent teeth to grow by crowding the area, parents should consult a dentist.

Need For Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is not really necessary. Check if the tooth is wobbly—if your child is able to wiggle it with his tongue, it will soon fall out on its own. After the tooth has fallen and the permanent tooth is out, your child will absentmindedly push the permanent teeth in correct position using his/her tongue.


Even if you go to a dentist, they will ask you to wait for the milk teeth to fall out naturally. If the tooth doesn’t seem to fall, they will remove it only when it feels tough and solid. In most cases, the permanent tooth makes its way out without any external help.

Losing Teeth Too Early

Many parents also worry that their kids are losing teeth way early than expected. There are a number of reasons behind baby teeth falling off too soon. It could be due to loss of a tooth in an accident or a tooth extraction due a decay or cavity. There could also be a possibility that the tooth hasn’t grown at all.


The problems that can arise due to the empty space in the mouth could affect the other teeth in that space, causing them to either tilt or shift from their space. This can leave a lesser space for the permanent teeth to grow.


The dentists recommend using a space maintainer that can keep that space open until the permanent tooth grows and fills the gap. It can prevent the risk of any orthodontic complications in future.


Children who are older and can take care of their own oral health are fitted with a removable space maintainer. Fixed spaced maintainers are also available, which are made of metal and are fixed in their place.

The space maintainer is removed when the permanent tooth starts sprouting.


Though it isn’t always necessary to fix a space maintainer if your child loses a tooth, it is important to discuss it with the dentist to weigh out the risks of complications in future.

Tips For Maintaining Oral Health In Kids

Your children should know the importance of maintaining an oral hygiene—the first step is to educate them about it. As soon as your child starts teething, you can start brushing their teeth using a children’s brush (with soft bristles) and a bit of fluoride toothpaste—as small as a grain of rice. Increase that to a pea-size amount once they are 3 years old.


Teach your kids to use a toothbrush, clean their tongue and gums to prevent the small food particles to stick in the oral cavity and cause a decay. Discourage saliva-sharing by avoiding the sharing of cups and spoons.

If your child is still an infant, use a gauze or cotton cloth dipped in warm water to clean their tongues, mouth, and gums. Gently, wipe the tongue clean without scrubbing the taste buds. Wash your hands before doing it.


Encourage your child to brush their teeth regularly and educate them the importance of maintaining a good oral health by.

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