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Which One Is A Healthier Choice: Red Wine Or White?

For those who love wine, the question of red or white is usually a matter of preference, mainly based on sheer taste. If you’re one who is concerned about the health factor, however, you would definitely need to take the nutritional values of your choice of wine into consideration.

So which wine should you choose when it comes to making a healthier pick?


Red Wine Vs White Wine: Which Is Healthier?

While both wines taste great, there is a possibility that there is a marked difference in the nutritional value of both wines. With the help of data from the National Nutrient Database provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture, we can judge whether red wine makes for a healthier option than white. It is important to note that these calculations are rough averages per glass of wine which is approximately about 5 ounces, and even though they do not give us an exact estimate, they can still give us a general idea of which wine is healthier.


1. Calories

Red wine is said to contain an average of 125 calories, while white wine has only about 121 calories. This difference is negligible, that is, only if you’re the kind to stick to one glass only. Over time, however, this small difference could add up to make a huge one.

Bottom line: White wine is lower in calories than red wine, therefore is a winner.


2. Carbs

Both red and white wine contain an equal amount of carbs; about 3.8g.

Bottom line: In this case, it is a tie between both red and white wine.


3. Natural Sugar

If you’re health conscious, sugar content should be an important factor to influence your choice of wine. On an average, white wine contains more sugar(about 1.4g) than red (about 0.9g)

Bottom line: Red wine is a winner as it has less sugar than white wine.


4. Calcium

Both red and white wines contain about 1% calcium.

Bottom line: It’s a tie between the two types of wine.


5. Iron

When it comes to iron, red wine stands at 4% of the recommended daily intake, while white wine is at 2%. However, it’s important to note that wine, be it white or red, may inhibit your body’s absorption of dietary iron. If you have an iron deficiency, it’s best to avoid wine with your meals.

Bottom line: Red wine is higher in iron content as compared to white.


6. Magnesium

Red wine can give you about 5% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium, while white can give you approximately 4%

Bottom line: Red Wine has higher magnesium content than white.

7. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an essential mineral that aids our kidneys in waste filtration and helps our bodies store and use energy wisely. About 3.4% of the daily recommended intake of phosphorus can be found in red wine while white wine contains about 2.6%.

Bottom line: Red wine is higher in phosphorus content as compared to white wine.

8. Potassium

About 5% of the daily recommended intake of potassium can be obtained from red wine while 3% can be obtained from white.

Bottom line: Red wine is higher in potassium content as compared to white wine.

9. Zeaxanthin And Lutein

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are important nutrients, that are both recognized praised by eye-health communities for their power to reduce one’s risk of cataracts. They also reduce chances of macular degeneration, where the tiny central area of the retina deteriorates and results in blurry vision. Both these essential nutrients are found in red wine – about 7 mcg. White wine has close to 0.

Bottom line: Red wine has a higher content of nutrients essential for the health of your eye as compared to the negligible amounts in white wine.

10. Choline

Choline is an important macronutrient that is vital for muscle movement, normal brain development, a healthy metabolism and liver function and much more. 8.4 mg of choline can be found in red wine while white wine has about 6.3 mg.

Bottom line: Red wine is higher in choline content as compared to white wine.

11. Dental Health (Staining And Damage)

It has been a common belief that red wine is worse than white wine for the health of your teeth. However, emerging studies show that white wine can actually damage your teeth as well. White wine can in fact, also stain your teeth.

Bottom line: Both white and red wine can have negative impacts for your teeth and can cause staining of your dental enamel.

The Final Verdict: Red Wine Is Definitely A Healthier Choice Than White

Since red wine seems to rank higher than white wine in nearly all of the categories above, it seems to be a clear winner when it comes to being healthy. Additionally, red wine may also be high in cardioprotective polyphenols and resveratrol, which are known to fight cancer.1

Keep in mind though that wine still contains alcohol. Consuming too much wine over a long period of time is definitely linked to a large number of health issues like anemia, cardiovascular disease, and fatty liver disease, so take care to enjoy your wine in moderation!


1 Saleem, TS Mohamed, and S. Darbar Basha. “Red wine: A drink to your heart.” Journal of cardiovascular disease research 1, no. 4 (2010): 171-176.
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