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7 Tips On How To Treat Telogen Effluvium Naturally

Telogen effluvium (TE) is the second most common type of hair loss. It is caused due to various reasons like hormonal changes, dietary deficiency, certain medications, stress, and underlying health conditions. The conditions could be thyroid disorder, allergy due to dyes, and alopecia areata (patterned baldness).

The first step in treating TE is identifying the exact cause. Examine the recent events which might have induced stress in you. Getting your blood tested for thyroid levels or any nutritional deficiency also helps.


While the conventional treatments like surgical or non-surgical hair replacement, drugs like minoxidil, and hormone replacement therapy for women give effective results; trying natural remedies is a safe and chemical-free option.

Below are some of the natural ways to regain the lost hair due to telogen effluvium.


1. Eat A Protein-Rich Food

The building blocks of hair are proteins. To make your hair stronger and longer, it is important that you intake a daily recommended dose of 46 gm of protein. Including essential amino acids, especially the sources of lysine in your diet is strongly suggested. Eggs, soy products, dairy products, beans, legumes, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are the rich sources of protein.

2. Include Iron And Zinc In Your Diet

A deficiency of iron has been directly linked to TE. While iron supplements do help regain the deficit amounts, in some people, these supplements tend to induce gastritis or constipation. Making dietary changes is a good idea. Red meat and liver have an abundance of iron. Vegetarians could opt for dark green leafy vegetables, beans, and lentils.


Zinc also plays a role in healthy hair growth. The zinc-rich foods to include in your diet are nuts, spinach, seafood, squash, and sunflower seeds.

3. Massage With Essential Oils

Certain essential oils promote hair growth by improving the blood circulation. They also reduce stress which one of the leading causes of TE. Simply add 1–2 drops of lavender or calendula oil in 2 ounces of carrier oil like almond or coconut oil, and gently massage your scalp. This not only enhances the hair growth but also reduces your stress instantly.


4. Try Herbs

Green tea has been traditionally used as a rinsing agent for hair. It contains 5-alpha-reducatse inhibitors which prevent the patterned baldness in both men and women. Studies conducted on animals showed a regrowth of hair after a few weeks of using green tea rinse.

Onion has anti-inflammatory properties which avoid any adverse effects on hair caused due to an underlying condition. It also stimulates the appropriate functioning of hair follicles. Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly after applying the onion juice.


5. Add B Vitamins To Your Diet

Vitamin-B6 and vitamin-B12 are the two important B vitamins required for hair growth. While a deficiency leads to hair loss, including ample amounts of these in your diet enhances regrowth. Leafy green vegetables, broccoli, turnip, beet, bell peppers, lentils, fortified grains, and calf and beef liver are excellent sources of B vitamins.

6. Try Relaxation Techniques

As mentioned before, stress is one the primary reasons for hair thinning and shedding. Practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing and yoga help. Keeping yourself physically active with any form of exercises like walking, swimming, or gymming release endorphins in the body. These are the feel-good hormones which keep you active and relieve stress to a great extent.


7. Avoid Chemical Or Heat Treatment

Shampooing your hair often exposes your hair to a plethora of chemicals, which even in their mildest forms could cause a damage. The chemicals deprive your hair of natural oils making them fragile and weak. Washing your hair twice or thrice a week is suggested. Avoid applying conditioners to your scalp.

Heat treatments like curling or perming change the biochemistry of your hair, making them weak. Avoid heat styling your hair to keep them strong. Refrain from using dyes, as they not cause allergies in some people, but also dehydrate the hair.


Remember, your body is equipped with all the ability to grow healthy hair, provided you supply it with necessary nutrients. Playing with the natural quality of the hair through artificial extensions, heat, or chemical treatment could only cause more damage. A change in your lifestyle gives more than just healthy hair, after all!

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