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7 Ways To Cope With Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy

Depressed pregnant woman:7 Ways To Cope With Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy

Pregnancy depression: 7 Ways To Cope With Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy

During pregnancy your hormones go on a roller coaster ride. At one moment you are happy and at the other you are anxious or depressed. It feels like premenstrual syndrome the entire 9 months. Many women go through most of their pregnancy feeling good about themselves as they excitedly wait for the big day. For many others, depression and anxiety are not just parts of mood swings. They are very severe and can last the entire course of their pregnancy. Everyday is a struggle to get up from bed and feel better. There can be multiple reasons for feeling this way. It can all be due to hormones, it can be because the pregnancy was unplanned, or mood disorders might run in the family. The reasons for anxiety and depression can be endless. Here are a few ways in which you can cope with them during pregnancy.


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1. Exercise


Getting up and exercising when you don’t even want to get up from your bed seems almost impossible, and it is. You are not expected to immediately put on your gym gear and start with an exercise routine. You have to take it slow. You need to make up your mind before you do anything. Mentally prepare yourself, get up, and go for a walk. The first step is always the hardest. Walking with improve your blood circulation and will release small amounts of endorphins. When you feel slightly better, take it to the next level. Exercise will release large amounts of happy hormones, and you will soon feel good about yourself. Don’t strain your body though.

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2. Practice Yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to get rid of your pregnancy blues. It makes you aware of your body and your surroundings. You will learn to recognize the cause of your anxiety and depression and will be able to equip yourself to deal with it. Sign yourself up for some prenatal yoga classes. It will help calm your mind and improve your mood. Being stress free benefits your health and your little one’s health.


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3. Sleep Well


When your mind does not get proper rest, the chances of developing mood disorders increases. It gets quite difficult to sleep peacefully during pregnancy. You get woken up frequently by the urge to pee, you suffer from heartburn or indigestion, you get leg cramps, or you don’t find a comfortable position to sleep in. Make your room dark when you try to sleep, run a humidifier in the room with a few drops of lavender essential oil, and have someone massage your feet and legs. It will help you sleep better. Remember to drink more water during the day and less as you approach bedtime. Proper sleep will do wonders for your mood.

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4. Try To Relax

Practicing relaxation techniques will help you overcome depression and anxiety. Sit in a peaceful place, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Inhale through your nose to a count of 4, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth to a count of 8. Continue doing this for 15 minutes. This breathing technique will calm your nerves and improve your mood. You can also listen to peaceful music and engage in mindful meditation.


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5. Talk To People

Being alone will only worsen your condition. Even if you don’t feel like it, you should meet people and talk to them. Share your thoughts and problems and talk about other things as well. You can get help from those who have been in your situation. A strong support system will give you all the care and help you need to feel better about yourself.

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6. Eat Foods That Boost Mood

Foods that are high in vitamins and antioxidants are good for your brain health and improve your mood. Eat foods like berries, dark chocolate, spinach, broccoli, oily fish, and tea or coffee. Remember to eat well. If your body does not get enough carbs and proteins, you will automatically feel more cranky. Nurturing a little one in your belly requires a lot of energy. Consume nutritious foods instead of junk foods.

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7. Get Help From A Professional

If your anxiety or depression gets too severe, it will start taking a major toll on your life. If you have made an effort to feel better on your own, but has not worked, you should talk to a professional. They will have a better idea about your situation and will be able to suggest appropriate therapies based on it. If your condition is too severe, they may suggest medication to help you overcome your mood disorder.

If you are under stress, it can hamper the development of your unborn child. As a mother, you want the best for your little one, so making an effort can only do good. Keep in mind that whatever is bothering you will get better with time. You should be strong and should start taking charge of how you feel.

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