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Understanding Sciatica While Pregnant: Symptoms And Treatment

The tremendous amount of psychological and physical pressure exerted upon a woman’s mind and body during pregnancy is definitely not quite a desired moment but it is worth enduring. The gift so cute and often mystical in the experience of neo-mothers don’t just come along with labor, which is just a volatile part of the blissful moment of delivering one’s descendant to the world. There is much more joy in that agony than pain.
However, during pregnancy, awareness of one’s own bodily steadiness does help a lot in neutralizing the threats harmful to both the fetus and its bearer. Among all the problems that tend to show up during pregnancy (like, infections, body ache, etc.), one of the most painful would be sciatica.

What Is Sciatica?


Sciatica is not in itself a medical diagnosis but it is a symptom of an underlying medical problem. It is caused when the large sciatic nerve is irritated, disturbed or compressed at any point from its origin. However, since it travels from the lower back to the legs and then feet, they suffer most from Sciatica. Basically, when this nerve is inflamed it causes pain in the legs.

Sciatica and Pregnancy


It takes no brainer to believe that a pregnant woman’s back and legs are relatively at more pressure and stress throughout the period of pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association, recognizes sciatica as one of the most painful condition and the same organization asserts that it is quite common among pregnant woman. Therefore, it’s important to watch out for even slightest inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Here’s a catch though, sciatica is considered really painful among other inflammation-induced pain but as much as it is painful, it is effectively treatable as well.

Sciatica During Pregnancy


Most of the blogs and experience sharing articles available online suggest that pregnant women experiences sciatic pain as tingling, numbness or stabbing pain. The prime perimeter generally extends to lower back or buttocks and legs.

One of the most important time during your pregnancy when Sciatica can be triggered is the third trimester, when the baby starts to move into birth position, which will induce pressure to sciatic nerve and therefore inflame it.


Also large portion of the internet data on the relative topic suggest that if one has a history of spinal disorders, her vulnerability for sciatica increases. Dr Clare Gordon, Osteopath and President of the Osteopathic Association in Victoria reportedly says: “Sciatic pain is one of the most common symptoms women may experience during pregnancy.

Moreover, the position of the pelvis and lower back among pregnant women during pregnancy are ever-changing, which might also trigger the inflammation of the sciatic nerve, thereby causing tremendous pain.



Do not confuse all pain pertaining to the lower back and legs to be Sciatica. Several other symptoms of different underlying problems sometimes project similar pain. But that doesn’t necessarily mean all are Sciatic Pain. Commonly misjudged as sciatica pain could be caused because of ligaments, joint restrictions or muscle problems.


How To Treat Sciatica?

Keeping Blood circulation in mind, all pregnant women should keep up with their standard of daily activity and exercises if possible to augment the circulation.


Building core-strength is highly important because it improves the capacity of our lower-back which is the most effected part during pregnancy.

Cold compress or a hot water bag can definitely help as well. However, if you choose to use heat, it’s better if you don’t make it too hot as it may cause irritation to skin and also cause other problems.

Among other options that one could use to treat sciatica, wearing a support belt, swimming, osteopathy acupuncture or using massage therapy are quite helpful.

Yoga can also help in a better way. To name few, Dolphin Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, Noose Pose, etc. can reduce Sciatic Pain efficiently.

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