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Top 10 Fish Ranked According To Their Nutritional Benefits

Every fish has its own nutritional values

Fish is a healthy source of numerous nutrients that the human body needs. They are known for high protein content, omega-3 fatty acid content, and lots of vitamins and minerals that include selenium, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Although, it is highly recommended to include these water animals in your diet, you must know which are the fishes that rank the highest according to their nutritional value.

An unfortunate fact for fish lovers is that although fish is rich in certain nutrients, they have another element that is harmful for human health, mercury. High levels of mercury can impact our neurodevelopmental, immunological, and cardiovascular health to a great extent. This is the reason we must know which are fish that are lowest in mercury levels and highest in its nutrients.


Rank 10: Pacific Wild Oysters

Protein (g per 3 oz): 8
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 584
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 39
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 69 calories, 2 g fat (0.4 g saturated fat), 90 mg sodium, 4.2 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 8 g protein


It might seem that oysters provide lower amount of protein per ounce. However, if you consume a plate of just six Pacific Wild Oysters, your protein consumption would be 28 grams and 2,064 mg of omega-3. These pearl-yielding mollusks also have a high content of zinc.

Rank 9: Sockeye Salmon


Protein (g per 3 oz): 6.3
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 613
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 39
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 111 calories, 4 g fat (0.7 g saturated fat), 66 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 18.9 g protein

Sockeye salmon feeds on krill, a small variety of shrimp, which gives sockeye salmon its deep red color. This type of salmon is rich in omega-3 and provides 3 ounces of protein. It has a high content of Vitamin D and ranks the seventh best source of Vitamin D with 112 percent of the daily recommended intake.


Rank 8: Atlantic Herring

Protein (g per 3 oz): 15.3
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 1,336
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 43
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 134 calories, 7.7 g fat (1.7 g saturated fat), 76 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 15.3 g protein, 56% RDA Selenium, 484% RDA Vitamin B12


Atlantic herring is a great source of omega-3 and one of the best sources of Vitamin B12, which is over 160 percent RDA per ounce. It also contains 11 percent Vitamin D RDA per ounce. If you consume grill herring or a herring with a dressing of mustard, lemon juice, and Herring oil for dinner, your meal is a pack of protein and healthy fats.

Rank 7: European Anchovy


Protein (g per 3 oz): 17.3
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 1,231
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 103
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 111 calories, 4.11 g fat (1.1 g saturated fat), 88 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 17.3 g protein

European anchovy is mostly used in Caesar salad dressing. This fish is highly recommended for its omega-3 levels which are five times the recommended daily intake. This powerfood is extremely beneficial to keep your heart healthy and strong.


Rank 6: Spiny Lobster

Protein (g per 3 oz): 17.5
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 317
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 100
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 95 calories, 1.3 g fat (0.2 g saturated fat), 150 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 17.5 g protein

The spiny lobster is generally found in the warmer seas of the Caribbean and Mediterranean regions. These lobsters provide 122 percent of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B12, and their tails are packed with a high content of omega-3.

Rank 5: Atlantic Pollock

Protein (g per 3 oz): 16.5
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 358
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 160
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 78 calories, 0.8 g fat (0.1 g saturated fat), 73 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 16.5 g protein

Atlantic Pollock is not the same as Alaskan Pollock and are larger and darker in size and color respectively. This fish is also known for its high omega-3 content. You can dress this fish in any way you like as it has a mild flavor and a very delicate texture.

Rank 4: Canned Sardines

Protein (g per 3 oz): 21
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 835
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 79
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 177 calories, 9.7 g fat (1.3 g saturated fat), 261 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 21 g protein

Smaller the fish is, lower the mercury levels are. Sardines are one of the superfoods as their mere 3 ounce of weight provide 12 percent of the recommended intake of Vitamin D and 64 percent selenium, a mineral required to boost immunity, metabolism, and reproductive health. Canned sardines are higher in sodium than the non-canned ones; so, always consume them in moderation if you are on a low-sodium diet.

Rank 3: Atlantic and Pacific Halibut

Protein (g per 3 oz): 37.9
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 396 (0.135 + 0.261)
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 261
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 186 calories, 2.7 g fat (0.6 g saturated fat), 139 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 37.9 g protein

Atlantic and Pacific Halibut is a white, meaty fish with a mild flavor that makes it perfect for versatile dressings. It is a low-calorie, filling food, which makes it a great weight-loss food. It has an amazing protein content and influences the serotonin hormone levels, a hormone that regulates the appetite.

Rank 2: Pink Salmon

Protein (g per 3 oz): 17.4
Omega-3 (mg per 3 oz): 438
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 37
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 108 calories, 3.5 g fat (0.7 g saturated fat), 64 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 17.4 g protein

Pink salmon, also known as humpback salmon is a native of the cold waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. If you are not keen on consuming the high protein and omega-3 content of salmon, consume the fish’s roe, a very common source for caviar.

Rank 1: Atlantic Mackerel

Protein (g per 3 oz): 15.8
Omega-3s (mg per 3 oz): 1,954
Mercury levels (parts per billion): 45
Nutrition (per 3 oz serving): 174 calories, 11.8 g fat (2.8 g saturated fat), 76 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 15.8 g protein

The best fish to consume in the Atlantic Mackerel due to its low content of mercury and very high content of omega-3, almost eight times the daily recommended intake. However, watch out for the canned ones as they have high mercury levels comparatively, almost up to 586 ppb.

Next time you choose to have fish, consume the ones high in protein, omega-3, vitamins, and minerals, and low in mercury levels.

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