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8 Tips To Remember When Exercising In Summer

Though a beautiful, sunny day is great motivation to start working out, taking precautions is important because summer heat and exercise can be a bad combination.

Here are a few tips you’ll find useful during workouts in summer.


8 Tips For Exercising In Summer

1. Ease Your Workouts

When the temperature is high, it is difficult to exercise how you normally do. If you normally go running, try to jog or walk in summer. Don’t push yourself too much at the beginning. Let your body get accustomed to the heat.1 When your body adapts to the heat, increase the pace and duration of your workout gradually. Heat acclimatization reduces oxygen uptake at a given power output and helps your muscles work better so that you can exercise comfortably.


2. Stay Hydrated

The most common problem of working out during summer is dehydration. The core temperature of your body rises during workout sessions, and it happens far more quickly on hot days. Your sweat glands circulate more blood to the skin to cool it down. Due to all the perspiration, your body starts losing water rapidly and you end up thirsty and dehydrated.


Ensure that you don’t get dehydrated during a workout session. Drink about half a liter of water two hours before working out. If you’re stepping out in the heat, drink a glass of water just before you leave your house and take small sips every 15-20 minutes during exercise. The color of your urine will help you determine if you’re dehydrated. If it’s clear, there’s nothing to worry about. But if your urine is darker, you need to drink more fluids and consult your doctor.

3. Wear Lightweight Fabrics


Wear lightweight and light-colored clothes when you work out in summer. If you overdress while exercising, your clothes cover up your working muscles and generate more heat. Wear cotton clothes, protective headgear, and sunglasses if you’re working out outdoors.

4. Avoid Exercising When It’s Hot


Early morning or late evening workouts are the best during summer. If you exercise under the scorching sun, the heat and humidity will slow you down and dehydrate you quickly. You can also choose to exercise indoors in a gym; if you really want to work out outdoors, choose activities like swimming to keep you cool.

5. Use Sunblock


Apply waterproof sunblock with high SPF and zinc oxide before stepping out in the sun. 2 Reapply it every two hours because no matter how much some creams are said to be long-lasting, they’re not. Sunblock may protect your skin from sunburn, which may result in premature aging or even skin cancer.

6. Avoid Sports Drinks


While you may think that they are healthy and that they will keep you hydrated, most sports drinks are said to be high on calories.

They should be considered only if you’re of ideal body weight and if you exercise for longer durations at high intensities. Eating fruits and vegetables should provide you ample electrolytes for your body; you don’t need additional supplements.

7. Avoid Eating Too Many Fruits And Vegetables

Regulate the amount of food you eat. Keep in mind that muscle cramps occur due to dehydration and not low electrolytes or low sugar or salt intake. So instead of filling yourself up with excessive bananas or apples, increase your water intake before, during, and after exercise.

8. Avoid Exhausting Yourself

Avoid hiking or trekking during summer. If you’re adamant about taking them up, prep yourself. Sit down in the shade when you’re tired, drink a lot of water and eat juicy and nourishing snacks. However, avoid dry snacks like popcorn and energy bars as they make you thirsty. Juicy snacks like watermelon or cucumber don’t add to your calorie count and keep you hydrated.

Remember that when heat strikes, you won’t know how your body will react. It’s important to slow down and let yourself get used to the heat. Work out only as much as your body can take. If you don’t feel well after exercising, consult your doctor, drink water, and apply ice packs under your armpits and groin. Move to a shady area in order to keep yourself cool.

Follow these tips to benefit from your workout sessions without letting the summer heat affect you. Prep yourself, and get going!


1 Lorenzo, Santiago, John R. Halliwill, Michael N. Sawka, and Christopher T. Minson. “Heat acclimation improves exercise performance.” Journal of Applied Physiology 109, no. 4 (2010): 1140-1147.
2 Mitchnick, Mark A., David Fairhurst, and Sheldon R. Pinnell. “Microfine zinc oxide (Z-cote) as a photostable UVA/UVB sunblock agent.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 40, no. 1 (1999): 85-90.
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