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gGoji berry smoothie recipe

Simple Goji Berry Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

Blend 2 tbs Goji berries, ½ cup frozen berries, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tsp raw honey and ice until smooth and enjoy. Goji berries are 21% fiber, have a low Glycemic Index and work great to suppress cravings. They are also a rich source of antioxidants, boost immunity and help prevent heart diseases. Feel free to snack on them or sprinkle them over breakfast.
weight loss tips for women over 40

Weight-Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Maintaining the ideal weight becomes difficult due to the body’s reducing metabolism with age. The excess weight also consequently makes you susceptible to different diseases. Incorporate these few tips every day to help lose those extra pounds and keep you healthy.
Wheatgrass For Weight Loss

Wheatgrass For Weight Loss Plus A Drink Recipe

An increasing number of people are turning to a daily shot of wheatgrass for weight loss. When taken as a part of a healthy diet and a good exercise regimen, wheatgrass helps to increase you metabolism, naturally detox, and lose weight in the process.
How Can I Include Coconut Oil In My Weight Loss Diet?

How Can I Include Coconut Oil In My Weight Loss Diet?

Add few scoops of coconut butter to smoothies for nutty, creamy texture and taste. Use coconut milk as a base for all kinds of pastes, gravies and curries. Bake your crepes, cakes and bread with coconut flour. Shred fresh or dried coconut meat on top of veggies or rice dishes. Add 2 tsp coconut oil to a mug of hot herbal tea. Drizzle some coconut oil on your salads.

Fruitful Weight Loss Guide For Menopausal Gain

Practice weight training exercises to counter your slow metabolism. Exercise also helps relieve stress and stabilize mood swings that come with menopause. Get 150 min of moderate or 70 min of high intensity aerobic activity each week. Strength training reduces bone loss after menopause, which also lowers risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Your Scale Is Not An Indicator Of Weight Loss Success

Weighing scale does not accurately display internal changes in the body, and doesn’t reflect your muscle to fat ratio. While starting on a weight loss routine, there will be changes in body mass due to fat loss, water loss and muscle gain. As you build more muscle, which replaces fat, your constant weight readings will raise serious doubts about your weight loss routine.
Weight Loss Excuses

5 Weight Loss Excuses You Need To Get Over Now

1. You postpone weight loss for a big event, 1 weekend of indulgence will not invalidate a week of healthy living. 2. Thinking that diet is deprivation: try new recipes and healthy foods you enjoy. 3. You think you've ruined it all by cheating: do not give up. 4. You think your responsibilities are more important than you. 5. Think that extra weight is overwhelming.

How Your Dog Can Help Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

You'll have to walk you're dog at least twice a day. Use this to take a short brisk walk. This will get you socializing with your neighbors more often and socializing reduces stress which in turn reduces cortisol levels. They're fun to sleep with and can help get a snug and good nights sleep. And they're sure to help you cut down on the extra everyday snacking.

Yoga Asanas For Spine Health And Weight Loss

A weak spine can make weight loss a lot more difficult. Practicing palm tree pose, swaying tree pose, side bending pose, toe touching pose, cobra pose and locust pose can help strengthen the back. Yoga works as a great exercise as well so practicing these poses on a regular basis will boost weight loss. Combine brisk walks and a healthy diet for best results.
The 20 Min Morning Routine For Weight Loss Success

A 20-Min Morning Routine For Weight Loss Success

Losing or gaining weight is not just about calories. Studies have demonstrated that multiple factors beyond what we eat affect our weight. So the best...

17 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Kale Chips: Remove the ribs of kale leaves, brush some olive oil and bake until crispy. Top it with some paprika and salt. Spiced Nuts: Choose your favorite nuts, roast them in butter until it turns a shade darker, spice with curry powder and enjoy. Potato Chips: Thinly slice sweet potatoes, lay them on a baking tray, sprinkle canola oil and bake till edges curl.

Dance Your Way To Weight Loss

Dancing as an aerobic workout can burn major calories and help you achieve a toned flexible body. Zumba, Barre class, Yoga dance, Dance video games are all good options. Wear comfortable clothes, select music that is between 100-112 beats and make a 30-40 dance workout routine 4-5 days/week. Enjoy this fun way to melt stubborn fat and stay trim.

Excess Alcohol Can Adversely Impact Your Metabolism

If consumed moderately, alcohol may increase your metabolism but excess consumption can damage the liver, create blood sugar imbalances and cause weight gain. It contains empty calories and has no nutritional value. Your body can’t store it, so it must metabolize it right away, which can have a detrimental effect on other metabolic processes.
Juicing for weight loss

7 Reasons Why Juicing For Weight Loss Is Better

It’s no doubt that you have probably heard about all of the health benefits of juicing, but did you know that juicing can also...

Meditation: How And Why It Can Help Weight Loss

Meditation causes changes in brain areas responsible for body sensations, especially those related to hunger and craving. It trains your brain to attune to your body in a healthy way. High cortisol levels associated with abdominal weight gain, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders that cause weight gain can be corrected by meditation.