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is salt water good for your skin

Should You Add Salt Water To Your Skin-Care Routine?

Salt water has antimicrobial properties which help it disinfect skin and clean minor wounds. It can exfoliate skin as well. Salt water works well as a natural deodorizer due to its antimicrobial properties. Dead sea saltwater, which is rich in magnesium salts, can improve atopic dry skin. Having a saltwater bath prior to phototherapy can help treat psoriasis more effectively. A dab of saltwater followed by tea tree oil may also help tackle pimples.

7 Things Every Grown-Ass Man Does While His Partner Is In Labor

The birth of a baby is indeed one of the greatest moments in anyone’s life. After nine months of wait, the baby arrives to make...
Ensuring That You Have A Ready-to-go Emergency Supply Kit Is Vital

Essential Emergency-Kit Supplies You Need In The Event Of A Natural Disaster

We may never know with complete certainty when disaster will strike. Even with all of our modern technological advancements and super-fast communication mediums, natural...

Sitting Too Much May Shorten Your Lifespan: 10 Ways To Keep Moving

Sitting for more than 6 hours a day increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal disease and early death even if you exercise regularly. During the day try to walk as much as possible. Drink lots of water, walk over to your colleague's desk, walk when you take a phone call. You should also try to take the stairs as much as possible. To encourage yourself to stay on your feet longer, wear comfortable shoes.

Here’s What Will Decide Your Health 10 Years From Now

To stay healthy 10 years from now, it's important that you follow a healthy lifestyle and diet. Eating the right food, watching your weight, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and getting a health-checkup done every year are some of the things you can do to ensure a good physical and mental well-being in the years to come.

The Water You Have Access To Is Not The Purest. Here’s Why

Despite regulations and water treatment facilities, tap water still contains dangerous contaminants. BPA-ridden bottled water can cause hormonal dysfunction and birth defects and contributes to pollution. City sewage, industrial waste, and agricultural run-off are the main sources of surface water pollution while fumes and gases that dissolve into the atmosphere end up contaminating rainwater. Spring water, however, is safe to drink since it undergoes a natural filtration process.

Drank More Coffee Than You Can Handle? Follow These Quick Tips

True that coffee is just amazing. Coffee can rejuvenate you anywhere and at any hour of the day, thanks to its caffeine content and...
Snack rules to help you lose weight

7 Snack Rules To Follow If You Want To Lose Weight

One of the biggest reasons people put on weight is because of their snacking habits. When you’re hungry, you want something quick and convenient...

Here’s How A Niacin Flush Might Detoxify Your Body

Flushing is a common side effect of eating niacin-rich foods or taking niacin supplements for high cholesterol. The redness, warmth, and tingling can easily look like an allergic reaction. It gets a bad reputation, but according to some research, it may support detoxification. However, that doesn’t mean high doses are always safe. It increases the risk for liver damage and stomach ulcers, so don’t take niacin without consulting a doctor. Water, moringa, and chlorophyll can be taken to safely detox.

8 Genius No-Sweat Health Hacks Every Millennial Should Know

Waking up to a glass of water with lemon juice can help boost your immunity, while marking out your water bottle can help you get your daily intake of water. Eating raw vegetables before dining out can help prevent you from busting your diet, as can portioning out your snacks. Working out to songs can make exercising fun, and ditching your electronics at bedtime can give you better quality sleep.

5 Things That Are More Important Than Exercise

Although exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, there are other interconnected factors that also contribute to it. Getting sufficient sleep, eating healthy, drinking enough water, and managing stress are more important than exercise. Knowing the purpose of making changes in your lifestyle can keep you motivated, and help you eat and exercise well. Making exercise a priority while eating unhealthy food and not sleeping enough may not give you positive results.
Drinks that you should steer clear from

7 Drinks You Should Stop Buying Completely

Most of us try to drink eight glasses of water a day, but sometimes, we crave something a little less...boring. Unfortunately however, most thirst-quenchers...
Face Cleaning Mistakes You Need To Stop Doing

6 Face Cleansing Mistakes You’re Making That Are Damaging Your Skin

Cleaning your face seems pretty uncomplicated. You wet your face, lather some face wash over it and rinse it off. But while it’s simple,...

7 Tips To Power Through The Day

Certain days are hectic, tiring, and stressful. And, on these days, it's important to give your body an energy boost. Stretching after you wake up burns calories, boosts your mood, and increases alertness. Meditation improves focus and attention. Listening to music reduces anxiety and fatigue. Eating smaller meals prevents an afternoon slump. Drinking water regularly prevents tiredness. The colors yellow, red, and orange improve alertness. Lastly, time your coffee for a short-term energy boost.
right way to drink water per ayurveda

The Right Way To Drink Water According To Ayurveda

Leonardo Da Vinci has rightly said, “Water is the driving force of all nature.” Water is the source of energy. Up to 60% of...