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Interparental Conflict And Its Impact On Children

Children are malleable in nature when they are young. Hence, everything that happens around them or everything that they witness can leave a lasting...
Chronic Stress Can Adversely Affect Our Health

12 Ways Stress Can Mess With Your System

We cannot escape or hide from stress. Stress is a biological response to demands posed by our environment or sometimes even by ourselves. Stress,...
Stress can affect stay-at-home moms as well

7 Stress Relief Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms

Stay-at-home moms need stress relief, just like working moms. Set boundaries and don't be afraid to say no, whether it's chaperoning a school trip or hosting a party. Stay organized as much as you can. To reduce clean-up and mess, minimize material things. Get kids involved in cooking healthy meals and cleaning. You can even exercise together! Don't feel guilty of hiring a babysitter, even if it's for an hour of self-care.
How Diet And Lifestyle Can Mess Up Your Guts

5 Factors That Can Affect Your Gut Health

Several factors can have a negative impact on your gut health that further affects your immune system. Processed foods promote inflammation in the gut. Stress levels can cause an imbalance in the gut flora. Insufficient sleep can give your gut troubles, too. An overdose of antibiotics can disrupt the gut bacteria, making it prone to infections.
benefits of sensory deprivation tanks

Sensory Deprivation Tanks And Their Health Benefits

Isolation tanks or floatation therapy utilizes the large tanks filled with Epsom salt containing water that's temperature -regulated. Spending 2 hours in a sensory deprivation tank with no exposure to light or sound stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. This relaxes your body and mind. It has also been scientifically proven to be effective in easing chronic pain.

6 Common Breast Pumping Mistakes That Everyone Makes

Pumping breast milk is never an easy task. Like breastfeeding, breast pumping also comes with lots of challenges. If you get the basics right,...

A Simple Guide On How To Start Caring For Yourself

Sticking to certain health basics like eating and sleeping on time, and getting plenty of exercise is a good way to start your routine of self-care. Get plenty of time with nature and take up a hobby to get your mind off worrying thoughts and feel more positive. Learning to say 'no' to extra commitments can not only give you more time to yourself but will also help you avoid stressful situations.
symptoms of a stress fracture

Signs And Symptoms Of A Stress Fracture

A stress fracture is a thin crack in your bone that occurs due to repetitive impact and overuse. Initially, you may have minor pain when you use that body part for any activity. This will ease off when you rest. Over time, the pain will start developing much earlier each time and worsen. There will also be pain when you touch the area of fracture. You may also see swelling and redness.
relaxing breathing techniques

Try These Relaxing Breathing Techniques To Manage Stress

If stress is messing with your health, channel the power of breathing to relax the body. Start with a simple equal breathing technique that uses counting to focus on breath. Progress to pranayama (yogic breathing), nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and kumbhaka pranayama (breath retention). Or learn a deep abdominal breathing method. If you prefer a more meditative experience, controlled breathing with imagery could be the technique for you.

4 Proven Techniques To Get Rid Of Change Related Anxiety

Change is the only constant in this transient world. But we often forget that in life. We sometimes become so used to the stability...

6 Things To Do To Avoid Self-Care Stress

When our lives get too stressful to handle, we turn to exercise, meditation and yoga to help us cope with our stress. When we...
Breathing exercises can reduce stress and increase your stamina

4 Breathing Exercises To Reduce Stress Anytime, Anywhere

Pranayama is the regulation of the prana (life force) and breath is the external manifestation of the prana (life force). By regulating the breath, we can gain mastery...
Happier People May Be Healthier

Does Happier Mean Healthier?

Happiness is a positive state of mind experienced by different people in different ways. For many people, it is an ideal state of existence...

5 Benefits Of Decluttering Your Space

“The Things You Own End Up Owning You” - Chuck Palahniuk, The Fight Club. We are living in a day and age where consumerism is...
Common Signs In Our Body That Indicate Health Issues

Common Signs In Our Body That Indicate Health Issues

Certain behaviors in our body are common and normal, like sneezing and snoring. However, these can indicate an underlying health issue! Constant sneezing is an indicator of an allergy, as is frequent mucus formation in the throat. Snoring is a serious condition that can result in sleep apnea. An off-color eye discharge with itching can be an infection. Stress can lead to heart disease and depression and rashes can be an indication of leukemia.