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This Is How Your Baby’s First Day Of Life Unfolds!

While you have paid so much attention on how your post-delivery hospital stay will unfold, you might not realize that your newborn will be...

Birth Control: Acne Treatment Or Acne Trigger?

Birth control pills are small doses of female sex hormones that suppress the androgen levels in your blood. This, in turn, brings down the excess oil in your body, giving you clear skin after three months of getting onto birth control. When you get off birth control, your skin reverts to its original condition within three months. Birth control pills are only a temporary fix for acne and don’t really address the underlying cause. Therefore, focus on cleaning up your diet and your lifestyle if you want a hassle-free transition from going off the pill, and to tackle your acne problem head on.

Be Wary Of These 11 Things That May Cause Birth Defects

Pregnancy demands that moms be extremely careful with their health. Steer clear of anything that poses a risk to your baby. Even getting sick...

Laugh Out Loud: Differences Between First, Second, And Third Pregnancies

Becoming a parent changes every little thing in your life. It transforms you so much, especially with each child. While each one of you...
healthy snacks for pregnant women

Best Healthy Snacks For Pregnant Women

Snack on whole grain sandwich with grated cheese, mashed tuna, sardines or salmon; salad of leafy greens with nuts, beans, and pumpkin seeds. Drink a mango, pineapple, and apricot smoothie with 1/2 glass fresh pineapple juice, and half a mango. Also boiled eggs, low fat/fat free frozen yogurt, organic cranberries, baked potatoes, pumpkin seeds are healthy options.

Why More C-Sections Are Observed In Breech Births

The optimal birth position is when the baby’s head is downwards and their face is towards the mother’s back. However, some babies float to...

Things You Didn’t Know About Brow Presentation In Babies

The birth of a baby has so many possibilities in terms of positions that it is impossible to predict what mood your baby will...

Everything About Lactose Intolerance In Babies

Lactose intolerance in babies pulls many myths and understanding towards it. However, not everything is true and valid. So this article talks about what...

All About The 4th Month Of Pregnancy That You Must Know

Completing the first trimester of pregnancy feels no less than an accomplishment. If you have sailed through the initial months, you and your baby...

7 Amazing Facts About What Babies Can Hear In The Womb

Babies can hear and see a lot more than you think while they are in the womb. There are endless amazing things that conception,...

Brain Dead Pregnant Woman Kept Alive For 123 Days To Deliver Healthy Twins

The longest period in the medical history to keep a brain-dead person alive is this mother who gave birth to twins. Doctors kept her...

10 Human Medicines That Are Poisonous For Pets

We know that our pet’s noses will get into everything. Kitchen counters, open purses, backpacks, bedside tables. And these are places where we sometimes...

Things You Didn’t Know About Labor: Cervix Dilation

Many moms aren’t very sure what happens down there during the labor when they hear their doctors use some terms like ‘dilation', 'station', or...

5 Quick Advises From Experts To Prevent Back Pain After Birth

A backache during pregnancy can be bothersome. Yet, they can be survived through with a hope that it will all come to term with...

Is Breastfeeding During Pregnancy Considered Safe?

Breastfeeding has always been considered a beneficial practice with positive outcomes for you and your baby—it has always been encouraged by the doctors. However,...