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Soon-To-Be Dad? 22 Things You Should Know About Pregnancy Now!

Pregnant women deal with a variety of emotions and feelings, but most first-time dads also have their own feelings and concerns to deal with....

7 Things Pregnant Women Lie About When Visiting The Doctor

Did you ever lie to your doctor about not having any fast foods when you actually gorged on a cheeseburger and chocolate chips ice-cream...
Yeast infections can be due to multiple causes like diabetes, pregnancy and more

6 Common Factors That Trigger A Yeast Infection

Is that itch in your genital area unbearable or do you feel that your vagina is swollen? You may be suffering from a yeast infection. A common condition found in women, yeast infections can be many things – aggravating, itchy, and gross. Some of the well-known causes of yeast infections include antibiotics, pregnancy, and sexual activity or the lack of it. Knowing about these causes can be your first step to dealing with the problem confidently.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

6 Critical Things You Need To Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

1. What Are Omega- 3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for our bodies to perform several important functions....

How Many Naps A Day Does A Baby Or Toddler Need?

Baby nap time is, in fact, a breather for every mom. Just like moms, naps are important for babies as it is essential for...
Drinking Too Much Water During Pregnancy

Why Drinking Too Much Water During Pregnancy Is Not A Concern

Water carries the nutrients from your food to the baby. It also removes toxins from your body and prevents urinary tract infections and early contractions. It also improves the quantity of amniotic fluid that is essential for your baby's growth. Experts say that you should have close to 3 liters of fluids every day, of which 1.5 liters should be water.
reasons behind painful periods

6 Causes Of Period Pain That Are Often Overlooked

Periods can be extremely painful if your uterine health is compromised. In women suffering from conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, and adenomyosis, this has been noted. In many other women with untreated STDs, pelvic inflammatory disease can cause severe menstrual pain. Sometimes, periods cramps are more intense in women following the insertion of a copper IUD.
Condom Facts

9 Bizarre Condom Facts Most People Don’t Know

We all know that condoms are also nicknamed jimmies. But did you know they're also called scumbags? Did you know people in the past had to use condoms made from pigs' intestines? Also, contrary to popular belief, 40% of condom sales are thanks to proactive women who take responsibility for their sexual health. Here are some more strange facts about the world's most beloved barrier method of contraception – the condom.

6 Reasons Why Your Period May Be Worse Than Others

Unhealthy diets and weight gain can cause unbearable period pain. Too little or too much exercise can cause painful periods. Sometimes, a painful period can be because of your age, which decreases with time. Period cramps can be relieved using oral contraceptives prescribed by a doctor. Period irregularities may be due to a health condition like endometriosis.

Health Alert! Get To Know The Common Birth Defects, Symptoms, And Treatments

Expecting a baby is joyous and parents can’t just wait to meet the little ones after nine months of pregnancy. Apart from thinking about...

Busting 6 Myths About Water Births

Water births have grown in popularity over the last few decades. It is now known as an effective form of pain management during labor....
Health Effects Of Insufficient Water Intake During Pregnancy

Negative Effects Of Insufficient Water Intake During Pregnancy

Water is very important for pregnant women. They must drink more water than normal people as water is critical for the healthy development of the fetus. Even the amniotic sac in which the fetus develops consists of water. Inadequate intake of water affects the mother and the child. When dehydration occurs, it can even reduce the quantity of the breast milk produced and cause under-nourishment of the child.

All You Need To Know About Vaginal Birth Recovery

Vaginal birth recovery needs a lot of care and attention. The saving grace is that you will have your baby to cheer you up...
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a serious condition.

5 Symptoms Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome To Look Out For

Babies born with FAS tend to have poor coordination, unique facial features, cognitive and behavioral problems. Their organs tend to be underdeveloped too. FAS is caused when expecting mother consume alcohol at any point during their pregnancy. There is no safe limit so pregnant women are advised to refrain from drinking completely. Early diagnosis is key to managing this condition.

Can I Have A Vaginal Delivery If I Am Expecting Twins ?

Most moms associate twin pregnancy with a c-section delivery. It is true that more c-sections happen for twin deliveries, however, that doesn’t rule out...