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Creative New Ways To Use Olive Oil

7 Ways To Use Olive Oil You’ve Probably Never Thought Of

Olive oil has earned its place in every kitchen. How often do you find an ingredient that’s healthy and can make anything it’s drizzled...

How To Naturally Fight Cavities And Prevent Them

There are several natural ways to fight cavities. Coconut oil can be used in a process called oil pulling to pull out bacteria. Clove oil is popular as an antibacterial and a painkiller. Aloe vera and turmeric can be effective as mouthwashes. Tea is also great for maintaining dental health. To prevent tooth decay, avoid sugary foods, carbonated soft drinks, and refined carbohydrates.

DIY Sea Salt Hair Spray: Benefits And How To Make It

Beach waves can be recreated at home with DIY hair spray. Start with sea salt, a magnesium-rich ingredient that creates tousled waves by absorbing moisture. Hydrate and avoid dryness by adding coconut oil. Essential oils can be used to add a scent, while Epsom salt can be used to absorb excess oil. For subtle highlights, lemon juice will provide natural bleaching properties. Combine everything in warm water and shake well before using.

Get Rid Of Crepey Skin, Naturally

What Is Crepey Skin? When our skin becomes thinner with age, it tends to get drier, loses its elasticity and starts to feel like crepe...

6 Ways To Show Your Skin Some Love At Night

A nighttime skincare ritual should be one that includes non-toxic ingredients for the sake of your skin health. Clear skin is healthy skin and that's why you should use honey and lemon to cleanse away the dirt and impurities. For the makeup lovers out there, coconut oil is a safe makeup remover without any side effects. Makes sure that you treat your skin gently with home remedies before going to bed.

6 Easy “Green” Swaps For A Cleaner Lifestyle

Swapping air fresheners for essential oils will give you a fresh-smelling home without the harmful chemicals, while reusing old t-shirts and dishcloths can cut down usage and wastage of paper towels. Plant-based protein instead of animal-based can be just as satisfying and may lower your risk of stroke and cancer, and honey and apple cider vinegar can make great substitutes for alcohol laden cleansers and toners.

5 Science-Backed Supplements That Actually Work!

Garlic has not only been shown to treat damaged arteries but also high blood pressure. Bergamot has been proven to be beneficial in treating high cholesterol, while niacin showed to lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke in heart disease patients. Zinc has been shown to be an effective and quick cure for common cold and studies show that berberine can treat congestive heart failure.
Certain essential oils can easily replace mainstream medicines

Essential Oils That Give Conventional Medicines A Run For Their Money

You know what’s shocking? We are all advancing in science, medicine, and technology, but the overall health and general well-being of people around the...

4 Simple Food Masks To Care For Your Dry Skin

Wrinkles are never a lovely sight, and dry skin needs a lot of care as it can start aging soon. Dry skin problems are...
omemade hair conditioner recipes.

4 Hair Conditioners That You Can Make At Home

Improper hair care, excessive sun exposure, and chemical treatment damage hair. Conditioning hair will help repair it and and make it more manageable. And, you can make your own at home using natural ingredients. Combine egg yolk with honey, olive oil, and vinegar for lustrous hair. Mix coconut oil with honey for a hydrating conditioner. Olive oil and peppermint oil strengthen hair. Lastly, combine cocoa butter, lavender oil, and almond oil to repair damaged hair.

All You Need To Know About Barber’s Itch

Love that clean-shaven look? Be warned about barber's itch. Marked by the appearance of multiple red and skin-colored bumps on bearded areas of the face, this condition is caused by the ingrowth of facial hair due to frequent shaving. Avoid shaving close to the skin and shave in the direction of hair growth. You could also try home remedies like a cold compress, tea tree oil, aloe vera gel, and apple cider vinegar.

11 Tips To Prevent Those Ugly Cold Sores

You have an important event coming up, that you’re feeling a bit nervous about. Or a critical meeting that you’ve been working hard on...
Surprising Ways To Start Using Peppermint Oil

8 Uses Of Peppermint Oil You Probably Didn’t Know About

According to Greek mythology, Pluto transformed a nymph he had fallen in love with, named Mentha, into a herb so people could continue to...

5 Safe And Effective Home Remedies To Treat A Yeast Infection

Anti-fungal treatments may become less effective over time as the fungus adapts and becomes resistant. Try these home remedies to treat yeast infections. Probiotics can help bring balance to the bacteria in the vagina while coconut oil shows anti-microbial activity. Ozonated olive oil is another effective option. Vinegar and vitamin C are also viable home remedies to help beat a yeast infection.
You may not know these facts about psoriasis.

8 Strange Facts About Psoriasis You Should Know About

Psoriasis is a misunderstood disease but here are the real facts. This skin disease is not contagious. It is caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. In ancient times it was treated with pine tar and urine. It may be linked to diabetes and obesity. Studies show that physical activity can help alleviate symptoms. Those with psoriasis can wear makeup as long as they choose safe ingredients.