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Tag: Obesity

I'm Suffering From Obesity. What Should I Do?

I’m Suffering From Obesity. What Should I Do?

Balancing physical activity (calories burnt) with proper diet (calories consumed) should be the goal to not only reduce but keep the weight from coming back. The emotional role of family support and self belief is paramount to sustain this new healthy lifestyle for life.
Obesity- The Absolute Reality

Obesity: The Absolute Reality.

With obesity now affecting 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children, it is edging ever closer to becoming an epidemic and it...
Anti Obesity Day: Herbs for Weight Loss - Cayenne

Anti Obesity Day: Herbs for Weight Loss

A few herbs help improve metabolism and suppress hunger. They are: Gallium aperine - clears toxins, Garcinia cambogia - natural appetite suppressant and a weight loss supplement, Taraxacum officinalis - stimulates the digestive system and liver, Curcuma Longa - stimulated the flow of bile by breaking down dietary fat.
Yoga Therapy for Obesity - Lose Weight with Yoga and Pranayama

Yoga Therapy for Obesity – Lose Weight with Yoga and Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama - Sit in the asana position. Inhale deeply into the lungs and exhale through both nostrils. Kapal Bhati - While sitting in asana position, the breath that is exhaled is made to puff out with force, Bhujangasana - lie on the stomach, feet joined at the back, hands below shoulders, Slowly breathe in and lift your waist upwards and backwards.