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Reasons To Consume Turmeric Daily

Turmeric contains strong flavonoids known as curcuminoids or curcumin, an essential nutrient for the body. In India and most of Asia, it is considered...
Ashwagandha For Liver

Ashwagandha For Liver Health And Detox: 5 Proven Benefits

Ashwagandha prevents non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by eliminating risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, diabetes, obesity, and PCOS. This antioxidant prevents and reverses liver damage from free radicals generated by toxins like carbendazim and drugs like gentamicin and paracetamol. It also improves liver function by balancing thyroid hormones. Take 1–2 tsps of its powder twice daily with meals.

Can Artichokes Protect Your Liver?

Artichokes are a delicious treat and can liven up a meal with their freshness. But this almost flower-like vegetable is more powerful than its appearance may lead you to believe. Researchers have discovered its hepatoprotective activity and abundant antioxidants make it a great ally in the protection of your liver. But can it actually help fix a liver problem before it happens or stop it in its tracks?

Yellow Tongue: Causes, Treatments And Home Remedies

Food buildup with bacterial growth, consumption of antibiotics, use of oral care products with oxidizing agents, papillary inflammation after extracting a tooth, mucus accrual after nasal drainage, underlying conditions like HIV, jaundice, and cancer, and smoking – are all causes of a yellow tongue. Scrape your tongue, floss, gargle with hydrogen peroxide solution, drink lots of water, eat fibers, and quit smoking.

13 Common Ailments That Can Be Effectively Cured By Yoga

Want to improve your overall health holistically? Then, roll out your yoga mat and get started. It is the best answer to the 21st...

What Are The Obvious Signs That Your Liver Is Failing?

Abdominal pain, unexplained exhaustion, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and red spidery skin from visible blood vessels are warning signs of liver disease. Hepatitis B or C, excessive alcoholism, or certain diseases (Wilson's) can impact liver function. A complete blood count, CT scan, ulstrasound, liver function test, or even a liver biopsy can help diagnose and treat it early.

Naturopathic Treatment For Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

NAFLD refers to presence of hepatic fat in non-alcoholics. No specific symptoms exist but some complain of right upper abdominal pain and fatigue. Clinically this is diagnosed in lab tests through elevated liver aminotransferases. Consume green tea, fresh fish, organic fruits and vegetables, liver-supportive foods like garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables. Avoid trans and saturated fats.

Natural Remedies To Treat Chronic Liver Diseases

Your liver is one of the most hardworking organs in your body. It works around the clock to keep you healthy by helping you...

Spring Detox Your Liver With Broccoli Sprouts

An overburdened liver is an uncalled-for excuse for toxin buildup, bad skin and hair, hemorrhoids, etc. Sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts can be a life changer. It squeezes its way into cells and stimulates the activation of over 2,000 genes - immunity boosters, antioxidation genes, etc. Add broccoli sprouts in your salads, wraps, or sandwiches. Give your liver a detox for a change.
liver detox symptoms

15 Signs That Suggest Your Liver Needs An Urgent Cleanse

The liver breaks down fats and gets rid of toxins. Stress-induced hormones and toxins due to nutrient deficiency, overburden the liver. Irritability, acne, weight gain, diabetes, gallstones, extreme fatigue, headaches, pale fingernails, bloating, and nausea are some triggers to step up your game to detox and increase your nutrient intake. Cleanse between seasons with lower-fat smoothies.

Effect Of Estrogen Dominance On Premenstrual Syndrome

Do not simply accept the effects of estrogen - weight gain, mood swings, painful periods, and low libido. Excess estrogen is caused by stress-induced cortisol and estrogen mimics in skin products. Indulge in relaxing exercises to trigger progesterone production. Shed excess estrogen by helping your liver detox - drink lots of water, use natural beauty products, and eat cruciferous veggies.

7 Natural Ways To Spring Cleanse Your Body Off Toxins

Avoid red meat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods for a week. Facilitate bowel movement - drink warm lemon water and herbal teas in the morning . Parsley, asparagus, and cranberry juice ensure your urinary tract is clear. Consume turmeric, beets, and ginger to cleanse your liver. Stir up your lymphatics by dry brushing toward your heart before a shower. Meditate.

4 Super Foods To Boost Detoxing Power Of Your Liver

Nutrient and mineral-rich dandelion roots help nourish the good bacteria in the gut and lower blood sugar. Swap it for coffee. Beetroots are full of betaine. It protects the liver from alcohol damage, thins the bile and is a rich dietary source of nitric oxide and antioxidants. Add to your salad. Flaxseeds provide fiber that helps flush out toxins. Good for postmenopausal women. Burdock root helps metabolize built up fats and old cholesterol deposits. Use in slaw!

Foods That Boost Bile Levels In Your Liver For Effective Detox

Bile is the liver's detox tool and helps in fat absorption and toxin removal. Without it, your body can't absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Its deficiency can cause weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, migraines, depression and cysts. Boost bile production and thin it by ingesting these 6 nutrients: choline, taurine, beetroot, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root.

6 Tips To Help The Liver Fight Hepatitis C

Eastern medicine says that the liver is the seat of anger. So find ways to release vent-up feelings. Hydration is crucial to aid the liver to purge toxins. Milk thistle, a flowering herb, fights toxins and supports liver function regeneration. Quercetin, a flavonoid found in apples, spinach, kale and tomatoes enhances the body’s immunity response. Stop drinking alcohol.