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10 Symptoms Of Kidney Disease One Should Never Ignore

You may not think much about them on a daily basis, but your kidneys play a vital part in keeping you healthy. Each day,...
Is Ashwagandha Good For Your Kidneys

Is Ashwagandha Good For Your Kidneys?

By increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering your blood glucose and BP, a daily dose of ashwagandha can negate your risk of kidney damage due to diabetes or high BP. Besides fighting drug-induced toxicity, it mends damaged microtubules and balances electrolyte levels. As it destroys free radicals generated by toxicity, it halts inflammation, keeps the kidney tissues intact, and helps kill kidney cancer cells.

Is Soda Really Bad For Your Kidneys?

Soda alters urine composition by decreasing magnesium and citrate excretion and increasing oxalate excretion. It, thus, promotes formation of kidney stones. Its fructose and phosphorous content increase risks of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, electrolyte imbalance, renal dysfunction, and chronic kidney disease. Avoid colas, artificially sweetened sodas, and fruit punches.
Certain habits can damage your kidneys and lead to diseases

17 Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

There are several habits that could harm kidney health. Studies have proven that drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, not drinking enough water, holding your pee in, eating a lot of protein, lack of exercise, and a deficiency in vitamins and minerals can damage the kidney. High blood pressure and eating a lot of sugary foods are major contributors to kidney damage.

Are Heartburn Medicines Bad For Your Kidneys?

Unlike antacids that only neutralize stomach acids, more potent heartburn drugs like H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), reduce stomach acid production itself. Chronic PPI consumers may acquire acute interstitial nephritis that can cause kidney failure. Yoga, pranayama, and balancing of pitta by avoiding spicy, fried, and sour foods and alcohol are natural alternative treatments.
Side Effects Of Sweet Potatoes

Does Sweet Potato Have Any Side Effects?

Sweet potatoes are high in oxalates that can cause calcium-oxalate kidney stones. They contain mannitol, a type of sugar that can cause stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea in sensitive people. They are a preferred food for diabetics due to their low glycemic index but baking and other preparations can spike this index to damaging levels. Boiled potatoes are an healthier option.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore That Mouth Infection

A bacterial infection can form plaque on your teeth. When plaque extends below your visible gum line, it can cause gingivitis, which can develop into even more severe periodontitis. Gum diseases can also cause esophageal cancer and chronic kidney disease. Don’t want to lose your pearly whites? Get your gums checked often. Watch out for indicators like bleeding gums.

What Foods Can Cause Kidney Stones?

Substances found in animal protein such as meats, fish and shellfish may increase uric acid in urine. Dairy products, high-sodium foods and caffeine increase calcium levels in urine. Oxalates, found in beetroot, asparagus, chocolate, berries, parsley, nuts, soy products, oatmeal, wheat germ and whole wheat inhibit calcium absorption. Excess uric acid and calcium in urine can lead to kidney stones.

What Does Ayurveda Recommend For Quick Relief From Kidney Stones?

Reduce amount of sodium, animal protein, calcium, and oxalate in your diet. Drink the juice extracted from the stem of banana plant which has diuretic properties. Figs and Basil leaves improve overall health of the kidneys. Tomato juice helps dissolve mineral salt deposits in the kidneys. Lemon juice contains citric acid that breaks down calcium-based stones.

What Is New In the World Of Kidney Stones? An Update On Risks, Diagnosis,...

CT urography is an advanced technique used in the diagnosis of kidney stones. Shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy are less invasive. MET aids in kidney stone passage by relaxing the ureter's smooth muscles. Stay hydrated, avoid excessive vitamin C, salt and high protein diets, and include citrus foods in your diet to minimize your risk of stones.
All That You Need To Know To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

All That You Need To Know To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are important for the elimination of wastes and in aiding other important functions of the body. Kidney...
What Are Possible Ways To Detox Kidneys Naturally?

How To Detox Your Kidneys Naturally?

Consume sufficient fluids and foods like watermelon, lemon juice, berries, apples and pumpkin seeds. You could use herbs like dandelion which help strengthen kidneys and clear water retention. Marshmallow root helps treat kidney stones, red clover stimulates excretion of water and wastes and nettle is a good diuretic. Also, practice meditation.
bitter melon health benefits

Top 8 Reasons Why Bitter Melon Is Sweet For Your Health

Bitter melon contains anti-cancer properties, helps in treating type 2 diabetes, removes kidney stones, lowers cholesterol levels, treats various types of skin disorders, helps manage excess weight, acts as a liver tonic, stimulates digestion of carbohydrates, is an excellent source of vitamin K and helps boost immunity.
Yoga For Kidney Stones

Yoga For Kidney Stones

Bow pose, Camel pose, Wind Relieving pose, Plow pose, Cobra pose), leg raises, restorative poses and Pranayama can help eliminate kidney stones. These poses also help prevent ailments like kidney stones when practiced regularly. Cobra Pose: Lie on your stomach, place palms beside chest and press up, pushing chest off the ground, with hip touching the floor.
Kidney And Liver Detox: Yoga And Recipes

Kidney And Liver Detox: Yoga And Recipes

Kidney Quinoa Salad Recipe: Chop 1 white onion, 1 carrot, a cup of parsley and chives. Add two cups of cooked quinoa and a can of kidney beans. Mix well, add olive oil, dijon mustard and some diced garlic as a dressing. Kidney Yoga: The Kidney Draining Backbend and Old School Wheel will help boost kindey detoxification.