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Amazing Beetroot Smoothie To Lower High Blood Pressure

Amazing Beetroot Smoothie To Lower High Blood Pressure

Beetroots consist of 87% water, 8% carbs, 3% fiber, folate, manganese, potassium, iron, vit C, betanin, inorganic nitrate, vulgaxanthin and less than 60 cals. Smoothie recipe: Combine 1½ cup pineapple chunks, ½ cup sliced cooked beets, ¼ cup celery leaves, 1 cup vanilla almond milk and ½ cup fresh orange juice in a blender and puree until smooth. Serve chilled.

8 Essential Tips To Know Before Your First Yoga Class

Drink a lot of water, this will help cope with the elevated heart rate and sweating. Take a shower, this alerts and freshens your body. Wear light clothes, it will make movement easier. Avoid eating before and one hour after yoga. Use a thin mat and keep an open mind, forget any opinions and expectations you have from yoga. It will improve focus and results.
8 Lifestyle Habits That Heighten High Blood Pressure Risk

8 Lifestyle Habits That Heighten High Blood Pressure Risk

High blood pressure can be caused by high level of stress over a period of time. This is the biggest contributor when compared to other causes like inactivity or lack of exercise, eating unhealthy/processed foods, consuming excess salt, alcohol, tobacco and coffee. Regular consumption of supplements or unprescribed drugs also trigger stress in certain cases.
bitter melon health benefits

Top 8 Reasons Why Bitter Melon Is Sweet For Your Health

Bitter melon contains anti-cancer properties, helps in treating type 2 diabetes, removes kidney stones, lowers cholesterol levels, treats various types of skin disorders, helps manage excess weight, acts as a liver tonic, stimulates digestion of carbohydrates, is an excellent source of vitamin K and helps boost immunity.
How to lower cholesterol levels with diet?

5 Tips on Diet To Lower Cholesterol That Can Save Your Life

Mediterranean diet isn't too restrictive which allows you to take care of your health while still eating delicious foods. Avoid trans fat completely, and increase fiber intake, it reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 5%. Go in for a plant based diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid anything deep fried, processed or contains artificial flavors.
Blood Pressure Range: Good Indicator Of Heart Health

Blood Pressure Range: Good Indicator Of Heart Health?

Since high blood pressure is a major risk factor for a heart attack or stroke it is necessary to achieve normal blood pressure. In the trial, to achieve a target systolic pressure of 120 mm Hg in 9,300 men, researchers found a reduced cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and heart failure, as well as stroke, by almost a third.
10 Absolute Must-Know Facts About Pain

10 Absolute Must-Know Facts About Pain

Pain causes more disability than cancer or heart disease. Attitude can affect pain and often pain leads to anxiety and depression. Pain affects 1 in 3 people and women have reported to feel more pain than men. Pain costs 100 billion dollar annually in lost workdays. Smoking increases chronic pain. Changes in barometric pressure can cause pain in joints.
9 Compelling Reasons To Adopt A Whole Food Plant Diet

9 Compelling Reasons To Adopt A Whole Food Plant Diet

1. Healthy Weight: lower BMI, 2x weight loss. 2. Heart Health. 3. Cancer Prevention: 85% less risk of breast cancer. 4. Prevents Diabetes: 60% less risk. 5. Gut Health: improves gut flora. 6. Longevity. 7. Endurance: less fatigue, faster recovery. 8. Environment: Calorie for calorie, needs 10x less land, water and energy to produce. 9. Cost: More nutrition in less package.

Add Tomatoes To Your Healthy Blood Pressure Diet

Contains rich amounts of potassium and lycopene, both of which reduce heart disease risk and promote skin health. It is 93% water and comes with antioxidant properties which prevents cancer. Also contains loads of vitamin K2 which promotes bone health. And most of all it is easy to grow and cheap to purchase.
Menopause Increases Risk Of Heart Diseases In Women

Menopause Increases Risk Of Heart Diseases In Women

During menopause, women experience a decline in levels of the natural estrogen hormone, which is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. Moreover, during menopause, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol also increase while HDL or “good” cholesterol remains stagnant, contributing to heart disease risk.

Pursuing What You Love Doing For Real Fulfillment

If you aren't filled with passion for what you're doing, then it's time to move on to the things that you love. Joy and passion are the barometers of whether or not you're following your dream and destiny. Commit to taking a step towards it every day or take small steps every week and with momentum it will become easier and easier to do the same.
Chakras Can Reveal Cancer In Your Body

How Chakras Can Reveal Cancer In Your Body

Cancer stems from emotional-psychic causes that remain unresolved over long periods of time, and emotional healing and meditative practices provide the best cancer treatments. Humans are very susceptible to the creation of lesions in the brain and organs. These lesions create a short-circuit in the brain if unresolved can give birth to cancerous tumors.
How Flaxseed Lowers Cholesterol And Prostate Cancer Risk

How Flaxseed Lowers Cholesterol And Prostate Cancer Risk

A new study from the Canadian Center for Agri-Food Research affirms that flaxseeds can promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer. They contain a high amount of lignans- fiber compounds that can bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with the cancer-promoting effects of estrogen on breast and prostate tissue.

Impact Of Oral Hygiene For Overall Health

The American Dental Association states that 40 % of people with gum disease also have a chronic health conditions. Diabetes, heart disease and arthritis are related to dental health. Eating a balanced diet avoiding sweets, drinking lots of water, avoiding tobacco, chewing sugarless gum and regular dental check ups are a must to keep dental health in check.

How Mercury Toxicity Can Lead To Hypertension

Mercury toxicity should be evaluated in any patient with hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular disease, cerebrovascular accident, or other vascular diseases. If you are suffering from hypertension, go in for the following tests: Erythrocyte and whole blood toxic element levels and/or a 24 hour toxic metal urine test using DMSA.