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How to become a morning person.

7 Secrets To Help You Wake Up Early

Waking up early is often an uphill task, that most of us have already given up on. But early risers, according to science, are happier and more optimistic about life than the night owls. It's important to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy to be able to wake up early. Here are some tips to help you become a morning person.
How to determine the best intensity for your workout.

How To Determine The Ideal Intensity For Your Workout

For our body to stay healthy and function well, it is essential for us to get some form of physical exercise. But, if your workout intensity is too low or too high, it might not do you any good. To gain maximum benefits from your workout session, it is important that you know what exercise intensity is best for you. The talk test, heart rate monitoring, and the Borg rating of perceived exertion are some of the ways in which you can measure your workout intensity.

Everything You Need To Know About Occipital Neuralgia

If you’re experiencing throbbing, electric-shock-like pain, which usually starts at the base of the skull and then radiates to the back or sides of the scalp, you may have occipital neuralgia. This condition is normally caused by irritated occipital nerves – the two nerve pairs that begin at the second and third neck vertebrae. Try the corpse pose, the sub-occipital neck stretch, and neck extension and flexion exercises to relieve the symptoms at home.
nights shifts can greatly affect your health

5 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Shift Workers

Millions of years of evolution have made sure your body is set to a certain rhythm. This rhythm, known as the circadian rhythm, is related...
8 Things To Know About Sex After Breast Cancer

8 Things To Know About Sex After Breast Cancer

Constant communication with your partner is essential. Several breast cancer survivors insist on joining a support group as well. You don’t have to rush things. Do it according to your own pace. Several breast cancer survivors suggest trying lots of other ways besides penetration during the beginning. Try masturbating, use your fingers and tongue a lot, and massage each other with scented oils.
Bodyweight exercises that you can do at home.

7 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Without Hitting The Gym

Bodyweight exercises build and strengthen your muscles, without you having to hit the gym. Sprints, lunges, mountain climber, walk-out push-ups, burpees, skater jumps, and jump squats are some of the most effective bodyweight exercises. These 7 exercises do not require you to have any equipment and can be performed at the comfort of your home.
Running on wet sand has more benefits than you think

3 Benefits And 5 Tips Of Running On Wet Sand

Running on wet sand sounds like a lot of fun, something you would do with your group of friends. But do you know just how much this simple exercise can benefit you? Running on wet sand has been proven to instantly improve your mood, make you feel energetic, reduce the chances of injury during the exercise, and burn more calories in a short span. Just be sure you're wearing the right gear for this fun way to race on the sand.
diet and exercise to treat multiple sclerosis

Diet And Exercise To Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease for which there is no definite cure. The symptoms, however, can be managed with proper diet and the right kind of exercise. Go for organic wholesome food rich in antioxidants and probiotics. Do some moderate exercise and include yoga and tai chi, too.

How To Tweak Your Lifestyle To Manage Diabetes

Anybody can become diabetic, be it due to lifestyle or hereditary factors. The key to managing diabetes is not through medications alone. It also requires regular lifestyle modifications, exercise, a proper routine, and stress management. It is more of disciplining your lives than medicating it. Many people tend to fail at diabetes management because of an inability to follow a strict lifestyle.
Weird Things People Are Allergic To

8 Weird Things People Can Be Allergic To

Even the healthiest person in the world is probably not immune to an allergy. Allergies occur when your body mistakenly identifies a certain substance...
eat a small snack rich in carbohydrates

What To Eat Before Your Early Morning Workout

If you're working out in the morning, you probably are waking up quite early already. However, if you eat within minutes of exercising, your body...

The Importance Of Stretching For Muscle Growth

When it comes to weight training and bodybuilding, it is recommended to put your targeted muscle group through some intense stretching right after you’ve completed your workout. This increases not only the rate at which your muscle fibers grow in size but also increases the production of skeletal muscle cells. Once you finish training, do about 30 to 60 seconds of intense stretching of the trained muscle.

3 Important Things To Note For Post-Workout Napping

After exercise, recovery lets your muscles heal and grow. Otherwise, you’ll feel fatigued and perform poorly. A late morning nap will encourage optimal recovery by increasing slow wave sleep. Before hitting the hay, re-hydrate and stretch to prevent cramps. Cooling down with light movement is always smart. Finally, replenish your glucose stores with a post-workout meal made of 4:1 carbohydrates and protein. Even if you can’t nap, these habits are still necessary for recovery.
ways to gain weight with a fast metabolism

8 Ways To Gain Weight With A Fast And High Metabolism

A lot is said about being overweight, but being underweight can be just as tough. It's especially difficult if you have a fast metabolism and your body burns through calories quickly. Upping your calorie intake with energy-dense foods, getting adequate protein, and backing that up with the right mix of exercises can help you gain a healthy amount of weight.
Chest pain could be caused by different reasons in athletes

How Does Exercising Cause Chest Pain In Teen Athletes?

Chest pain is scary, but it isn’t always caused by a heart attack. Non-heart related conditions can affect both teen athletes and adults. Chest wall pain, or costochondritis, happens after trauma or strenuous activity. Asthma is another common reason. In teens, respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia may cause chest pain. Strains can stretch or tear tendons, while GERD causes painful heartburn. Before starting an intense exercise program, consult your doctor.