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Tag: Edible Oils

Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally.

Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally

Studies state that ginger extract consumed four times a day are effective in reducing joint pain. Fruits with anti-oxidant properties reduce inflammation, thereby reducing joint pain. They include blueberries, cherries, strawberries, rhubarbs, cauliflowers and apples. Other natural relievers include olive oil, avocado oil, honey and cinnamon.

11 Simple Home Remedies For Split Ends

You don't have to chop off your hair to remove split ends. Here are a few natural home remedies to deal with it. Coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, and shea butter can moisturize split ends. The proteins in milk, yogurt, and beer; the antioxidants in bananas and vitamin E oil; and honey work at locking in the moisture.

Best Combination Oils For Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is a carrier oil, which is used for blending other essential oils. Since only a few drops of essential oils are used,...
essential oils for sinus

Essential Oils For Sinus And How To Use Them

Often caused by seasonal allergies, sinus congestion can make it difficult for you to breathe or sleep. To make your own sinus relief essential oil blend - add 70 drops eucalyptus oil, 10 drops each of rosemary verbenon, peppermint, and tea tree oil to a 5ml euro dropper bottle and mix well. For best results, use the blend (1-3 drops) as a respiratory steam.

3 DIY Face Masks To Transform Your Dull Winter Skin

Blend 3T honey, 1/4c cocoa powder, 1.5T yogurt, 2T oats until smooth. Apply the mix to your face, neck, and decollete; let it sit for 20-30 mins before rinsing it off with warm water. Equally beneficial will be a blend of 1 avocado, 1T ACV, 1/4t argan oil, 1 egg white. For an acne prone skin, try applying a thick paste of 3T melted coconut oil and 1t turmeric.

3 DIY Face Masks To Transform Your Dull Winter Skin

Old Man Winter has arrived. Your once soft, sun-kissed skin is dull and dry. What are you to do? It's face mask time, people! Curl up...

9 Natural Remedies For Your Baby’s Dry Skin

Until your baby is 2 years old, its skin is very delicate and requires maximum protection from external conditions. Its skin much thinner than yours...
olive oil improves hair health

4 Ways Olive Oil Improves Hair Health And How To Use It

Olive oil is not just beneficial for your heart, it also helps your hair. The antioxidants fight free radical damage to the hair follicles and prevents premature graying and hair loss, while the fatty acids in the oil keep hair soft and moist. Olive oil can also protect your hair against sun damage. You may also use it to kill lice.

Frostbite: 5 Facts, 3 Things To Avoid, And 8 Naturally Effective Home Remedies

Ever regretted walking outside during those bitter cold winter seasons, without grabbing your gloves, applying moisturizer, or covering your hands or feet properly? Only...

7 Beauty Secrets To Make Your Hair Strong And Healthy

7 Beauty Secrets To Make Your Hair Strong And Healthy Tempted to buy that extremely expensive product to grow your hair faster or at least...

Top 8 Foods That Blast Fat

Along with your exercise regime, certain foods can help you regulate your weight and lose some pounds. These 8 foods will help you lose weight much faster when taken on a regular basis.

5 Hair Masks Using Egg Yolk – DIY

We all know the value of a perfect sunny side up adorning our breakfast plates. Zooming in on the "sunny" part, it's time we...

7 Tips To Take Care Of Skin In Winter

Consider installing a humidifier in your home to put moisture back into the air. Drink copious amounts of water; fill up on omega 3-rich fish, flaxseeds, leafy greens, avocados to feed your skin with vital nutrients. Skip long, hot showers; prefer to use mild cleansers (soaps with essential oils) and natural moisturizers like milk, honey, olive oil to prevent parched skin.

9 Ayurvedic Routines To Tackle The Winter

Cold weather, cloudy atmosphere, and dampness around - winters would just want you to curl-up warm, and stay lazy. These conditions increase the kapha...

7 Home Remedies For Hyperpigmentation (Dark Spots)

Everyone desires beautiful, clear skin, but dark spots can easily appear as a result of the overproduction of a pigment called melanin. The overproduction of...