5 Hair Masks Using Egg Yolk – DIY

We all know the value of a perfect sunny side up adorning our breakfast plates. Zooming in on the “sunny” part, it’s time we realise the magic an egg yolk can conjure on our strings of keratin, our hair. To be clear, egg whites are suitable for oily hair, while egg yolks work well for normal to dry hair.

What’s In The Yolk That Benefits Your Hair?

The egg yolk is equipped with all the ammo needed to counterattack common, frustrating hair problems – dryness, frizzing, split ends, dullness, weak hair, and so on. It contains vitamin A that stimulates sebum (oil) production, preventing your scalp from drying and dandruff. It also contains vitamin E that acts as a sunblock for your sun-exposed tresses, vitamin D that improves the texture and shine of your hair, the fatty acid lecithin that reduces frizz, biotin (vitamin B7) that renews hair roots and follicles, and sulfur that relieves dandruff symptoms.



The quantity of egg yolks and other ingredients you use to make the following hair masks ultimately depends on the length and volume of your hair. Standardize them through repeated application. Separate the yolks from the whites by scooping them out using a spoon, strategically creating a small hole in the egg shell so that the yolk slips out first, or by placing the mouth of an empty bottle over the yolk to selectively suck it up (a gentle squeeze-and-release action will help).


1. Egg Yolk, Honey, And Olive Oil



  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 3 tbsp olive oil


  • Beat the egg yolks until they are frothy.
  • Separately mix the honey and olive oil.
  • Blend the egg yolks with the honey and olive oil mix.
  • Massage the mix into your scalp and generously apply it on your tresses.
  • Rinse your hair with cold water after an hour and a half.

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2. Egg Yolk And Milk



  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp milk


  • Gently heat the milk. Preferably use milk that is high in fat.
  • Add warmed milk to whisked egg yolks.
  • Scrupulously apply this mix to your hair and scalp, focusing on the ends of your hair.
  • Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cold water.

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3. Egg Yolk And Avocado



  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 ripe avocado


  • Puree the avocado and egg yolks until you obtain a lump-free consistency.
  • Gently massage the mix into your scalp and hair for about 5 minutes.
  • Leave the mask on to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use cold water to wash the mask off.

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4. Egg Yolk And Yogurt



  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 cup of yogurt


  • Whisk the egg yolks and mix them with yogurt.
  • Massage the mix into your scalp and hair, ensuring you get into even relatively inaccessible parts like toward the crown of your head.
  • Leave the mask to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water to get rid of the greasiness from yogurt.

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5. Egg Yolk, Burdock Oil, And Honey



  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp burdock oil
  • 3 tbsp honey


  • Liquefy the oil, if required, by gently heating it.
  • Mix the burdock oil and honey.
  • Whisk the eggs yolks separately.
  • Blend all the ingredients together to achieve a uniform consistency.
  • Take small portions of dry hair and apply the mix on your hair strands. Massage the mix into your scalp for a couple of minutes.
  • Allow the hair mask to dry for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with cold water.

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Tips To Do It Right

  • It is advisable to wash your hair before applying the hair mask so that each ingredient in the mask can make direct contact with your skin and hair shafts.
  • Smaller eggs come from younger hens and are richer in nutrients. So select small eggs for making the hair mask.
  • Take the eggs out from the refrigerator and bring them to room temperature before making the mask.
  • Use a blender to mix the different ingredients together. It will provide a clump-free consistency to the mask.
  • Add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to overpower the repulsive egg odor.
  • Oil repels water. Apply oil-based hair masks on dry hair so that they can cling to your hair strands. Also, applying the mask on damp hair may create a mess as the oily mask drips down your face and neck. Apply water-based masks (like milk and yogurt) on damp hair.
  • When applying the mask, focus on the tips of your strands as they are the most fragile parts of your hair.
  • Heat helps the mask penetrate hair cuticles, giving you better results. Wear a heated shower cap, wrap a warm towel around your head, or gently blow dry or steam your hair after applying the mask. Heating some ingredients (like oils and milk) before making the mask will also help.
  • The longer you leave the mask on to dry, the more difficult it becomes to wash off. 15 minutes to an hour and a half is enough.
  • Wash the mask off with cold or lukewarm water and not hot water. Hot water will create lumps making it a nightmare to wash off the mask. It will also intensify the “eggy” smell.
  • It is optional to use shampoo and conditioner after rinsing your hair with water,  however, it is strongly advised to do so. This extra step in your hair pampering regime will ensure your hair is completely clean and rid of the unpleasant smell of eggs.
  • Choose a combination of ingredients that suits your hair. Pay heed to ingredients that you may be allergic to and which should obviously be avoided.
  • Wear old clothes as you apply the mask, so that you can focus all your attention to your tresses without having to worry about spoiling your better clothes.
  • For best results, apply the mask at least once a week.
  • If you have no time to make a hair mask, directly apply mayonnaise on your hair. Mayonnaise is a mix of egg yolks and emulsion oils – just what you need.