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Intuitive Eating: The Lowdown On A Diet That Relies On Following Your Gut Instinct

When it comes to intuition, why do most of us trust it for a host of big and little life choices, but ignore it when it comes to what we eat? Whether it is the assault of fad diets in magazines or “success stories” of friends who lost a lot of weight with a certain lifestyle change, there’s a lot that’s drowning out that little inner voice or instinct. Is it time you tuned out the noise and focussed on intuitive eating?

10 Science-Backed Tips To Stop Mindless Eating

Are you one of those people who can’t stop thinking about their next meal? Do you always sit with snacks at your desk? If...

What Not To Do After Eating: 5 Old Wives’ Tales

It's time to question some of very prevalent old wives' tales about after-food habits. Some of them hold true with reason, while others are simply bogus.

Scale It Down: 8 Tips To Lose Weight And Feel Good

Here are some unique weight-loss tips that do not view weight-loss as a punishment; instead makes you feel good and more confident about yourself.

3 Reasons You Are Overeating And Unable To Lose Weight

It all boils down to self-perception. Unresolved emotions can make you self-critical, causing you to act against your best interests. In an attempt to fill this internal void, you may indulge in overeating. Realize that body type varies among individuals, so eat according to your body's specific needs. Note how you feel after eating certain foods to comprehend your body better.

12 Ways To Identify If You Have Food Issues

Diet restrictions, deprivation can make you obsess about food. Eating off others' plates or keeping expired food to avoid food wastage are signs of food issues. If you buy for two but eat it alone, eat stuff that is bad for you, sneak, hide food regularly, or avoid people for fear of judgment or judge people for their food choices, then you should consider seeking expert help to get over these problems.

How To Eat Healthy On The Road

Carry healthy snacks from home and use refillable water bottles. If you need to buy food, opt for organic stores or a farmer’s market. In advance, identify healthy eateries en route to your destination. For road trips, carry a cooler loaded with snacks. For flight journeys, carry food in a baggie. For condo stays, enquire about kitchen supplies and carry other essentials you may need. Explore local specials, too.
chia seeds for weight loss

Do Chia Seeds Assist With Weight Loss?

Though chia seeds keep blood sugar levels steady, improve heart health, cut cravings, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and control blood pressure, their influence on weight loss is still medically unproven. They are free of carbs and contain fiber and protein that keep you feeling satiated longer. Consume along with oats, nopal, and soy protein to enhance their nutritional benefits.

Does Water Really Help You To Lose Weight?

Water indirectly helps in weight loss. It induces thermogenesis, stimulating your body to burn fat and release heat. Staying hydrated keeps you from overeating. Many people mistake thirst for hunger. So drink a glass of water and see if you feel hungry 1/2 hr later. Pale yellow urine indicates proper hydration, white means you had too much water and dark means you are dehydrated.

Fool-Proof Strategies To Prevent Overeating

Our relationship with food is complex, we eat not only when we are hungry. We eat when we are sad, happy, anger, disappointed, anxious, scared...

9 Surprising Ways Food And Mood Are Related

Yes, your food can shift your mood. While fast food increases your risk for depression, a Mediterranean diet of fruit, veggies, legumes, fish, and olive oil decreases it. Not just bad mood but also good mood, neuroticism, and boredom cause overeating. Snack on fruits, not on chocolates. Sleep early, wake up early, shun pessimism, and chew slowly to eat less while enjoying your food.

15 Ways To Stop Yourself From Eating When Bored

Be mindful of your eating habits. Take note of your mood swings and the triggers leading to mindless eating. Exercise daily and sleep early, as most of the binging happens at night. Drink lots of water. It minimizes untimely cravings. Chew gum to distract yourself. Avoid junk food. Opt for nutrient-rich foods whole foods to feel satiated for longer. Learn to identify real hunger and seek timely help.

Do Appetizers Really Make You Feel Hungrier?

Appearance, smell, and taste of an appetizer, as configured by its ingredients, can pique or stifle your interest in a meal. Ginger stimulates salivation and eliminates gastric problems. Bitter herbs, black pepper, fenugreek, and peppers can work up a screaming appetite. A good starter works best if you balance portion size and health with flavor so it is “just right.”

Wonders Of The Mediterranean Diet For Improved Sexual Health

Blood flow to the reproductive organs is imperative for optimum sexual health. Arterial fatty acid deposits retard this flow of blood. The Mediterranean diet contains leafy, fibrous, protein-rich, and anti-oxidative foods that are low in saturated fats and high in healthy unsaturated fats, omega 3 and anti oxidants that keep the vascular system and also your sex life healthy.

10 Fitness Tips For Living a Healthy Life

Perform compound exercises that target multiple muscles together. Keep in mind your goals and efforts so that you keep your calories in check. Eat timely, eat right. Plan your workout throughout the week. Be realistic and work with what you have. Commitment and increment are key factors. Set doable timelines. Burn extra fat with cardio, giving your muscles definition.