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Tag: Colon Health

This drink can improve digestive health.

Try This Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Drink To Detox And Help Digestion

This drink made with apple cider vinegar and honey combines the health benefits of both ingredients. Raw honey and apple cider vinegar are to be used since the pasteurized versions do not contain the same nutrients. These substances contain probiotics which promote a healthy gut. They also contain substances that help the breakdown of food in the stomach. They even contain cancer-fighting properties which can help maintain colon health.

10 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor At Every Age

When you go to the doctor, your focus will be on the matter that bothers you at that moment. You never think of discussing...

A Look At Irritable Bowel Syndrome From An Ayurvedic Angle

Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of digestive disorders that causes abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea. It generally develops over the course...

9 Signs You’re Feeding Your Dog The Wrong Food

Dogs are very sensitive to food. The food you give your dog can directly affect their health and behavior. If the food is causing health issues like allergies or if the food is just not nutritious enough, these signs can help you understand whether the problems are food-related.

Natural Remedies For Treating Tapeworm Infections In Humans

Like every other parasite that makes its home inside you, tapeworms probably fill you with revulsion. What makes a tapeworm infection even more frightening...

Gut Pain: Is It Appendicitis Or Gas?

Gut pain can be caused by appendicitis and gas. Pain from appendicitis usually starts around the belly and travels to the lower right side. It’s usually very sharp and tends to come and go. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and poor appetite. You may also develop a fever and bowel problems. On the other hand, gut pain from gas isn’t as severe. Discomfort is more common, along with bloating, flatulence, and burping.

Why Does My Kid Eat Dirt?

Does your toddler have a strange propensity for putting mud, wall plaster, chalks, sand, and other such dirt or rather ‘inedible’ items into his...

10 True Causes Of Fibromyalgia That Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About

While only an estimate, fibromyalgia affects 1 in 50 people, totaling up to 6 million. It is characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain accompanied by...

6 Health Benefits Of Elimination Diet You Didn’t Know

Do you feel bloated and uncomfortable? Do you develop rashes or itching after a meal? Ever wondered if the food you eat could be causing...

8 Wonderful Benefits You Enjoy By Eating Sesame Seeds

You might just know them as the white seeds sprinkled over your burger buns, but sesame seeds have some amazing health benefits packed into...

Red, Itchy Bumps On Skin – Causes And Home Remedies

Itch is a sensation that causes the desire or reflex to scratch. In some cases this sensation is harmless; however, it can also be a...
symptoms of tapeworm

Signs And Symptoms Of Tapeworm Infections In Humans

Worried a tapeworm infection could be behind your loss of appetite and constant headaches? You may be right! Tapeworms can enter your body when you consume raw or partly uncooked meat and fish or larvae-infected food and drink and wreak havoc on your system. Some warning signs like nausea, abdominal pain, and the presence of moving segments of the worm in your stool should help you spot a tapeworm infection early.

10 Deadly Diseases Caused By Smoking

Research today is conclusive that smoking is the cause of a host of diseases and ailments that are not only chronic but also the...

10 Ways Your Body Warns You About Your Health

Are you snoring a lot, suddenly? Or maybe taking too many bathroom breaks? Don't dismiss these things. In some cases, the internal problems in...
symptoms of sibo

Symptoms Of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

SIBO is a condition marked by excessive proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine, making it difficult for you to absorb nutrients. Symptoms include flatulence, bloating, abdominal fullness, fatty stools, diarrhea or constipation. While antibiotics, intravenous feeding are common line of treatments, natural remedies like oil of oregano, horsetail may also help.