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20 Ways To Make Your Day Healthy. Pick Atleast One Everyday.

20 Ways To Make Your Day Healthy. Pick Atleast One Daily.

Wake up before sunrise. Don't skip breakfast. Exercise for an hour. Drink water 5 times a day. Cook a meal at home. Get off the internet. Get 8 hrs of sleep. Walk briskly for an hour. Cycle to work. Ditch the elevator. Have a cup of green tea. Laugh out loud. Do Surya Namaskar. Breathe in deep for 10 mins. Walk barefoot on grass. Give sugar a pass. Call up a friend.
4 Ways to Avoid Stumbling In Your Yoga Practice

4 Ways to Avoid Stumbling In Your Yoga Practice

Always listen, watch and feel your breath and use it to understand the asana better. Focus on the body part that is most challenging and learn from it. Do not take yourself or yoga practice too seriously. Enjoy the moment and see the value of what your mind perceives as imperfect. Find a yoga teacher who gives needed support and focus on and off the mat.
5 Simple Ways To Reboot Yourself

5 Simple Ways To Reboot Yourself

Find a quiet space, breathe deep, listen to some stillness music. When you fall down, get up, don’t beat yourself up, get clear on what you want and recommit to it again. Avoid old patterns and imagine everything moving in slow motion and step away and give yourself breathing space to see things more clearly. Create an intention to guide you and set the tone for the day.
Maximizing Aesthetics And Wellness Without Compromise

Maximizing Aesthetics And Wellness Without Compromise

Strength training boosts your metabolism, so make it a part of your fitness routine. When doing strength or cardio, be aware of your breathing and tension level. You can co-exist with the feeling of fatigue during exercise, but pain is your body’s way of saying STOP! Indulge in meditation and long outdoor walks to feel more relaxed.

Which Yoga Exercises Help Increase Sperm Count?

Ashwani Mudra - Sit in a meditative pose. Slowly pull the anus and lower abdominal muscles up and relax. Agnisar Kriya - Stand with feet apart. Place hands on the knees and loosen your belly. Exhale, hold your breath out and pull your stomach in as far as you can, such that it touches your back. Then, loosen and release the stomach.

5 Controlled Breathing Exercises For Asthma Sufferers

Buteyko: Inhale slowly and exhale through nose. Hold breath and repeat. Physical movement: Focus on breath while doing shoulder rotations and then arm raises. Diaphragmatic breathing: Inhale with abdomen out and exhale with abdomen in. Exhale should be 2X inhale time. Pursed lip: Inhale slowly via nose. Exhale through pursed lips as if trying to whistle.
how to control weight gain

6 Key Tips To Avoid Weight Gain At Work Naturally

Eat regularly, never leave home without having a balanced and nutritious breakfast. Prepare your lunch at home and make sure you take sufficient breaks between meals. After a meal or snack make sure to brush your teeth or pop a chewing gum. Drink lots of water and eat healthy snacks like dried fruit, raisins and all kinds of nuts.

10 Stress Buster Tips To Instantly Calm You Down

Take a walk, observe 5 things and try to remember them. Manually count your heartbeat and see how it changes. Listen to instrumental music or songs that have no cursing and are less than 60 beats/min. Focus on your breath and try to stabilize breathing pattern. Play cards, sudoku or scrabble and avoid electronic games. Do something fun, anything you love.

Top 10 Reasons We All Should Practice Yoga

It relieves you of stress, decreases pain, improves breathing and trigger the body’s relaxation response and improves oxygen levels in the body. It also improves flexibility, mobility and reduces and existing aches. Moreover, it improves strength, helps in weight management, promotes circulation and cardiovascular conditions.

Why Breath Awareness Is Crucial During Yoga?

Without breath awareness there is no Yoga. In practicing asanas without integrating breath into the movement and pauses, we lose the vital bridge that links the mind and body. By training ourselves to pay attention to the breath as we experience breathing, we can make asana a living expression that becomes both a transmitter and receiver of vital information.

Workable Tips To Handle Life Threatening Stress

There is not one part of the body left untouched by stress. It decreases immunity and ruins peace and calm. Daily meditation, taking a break to go for nature walks amidst your busy schedule, deep breathing exercises and getting in touch with your inner yogi will suffice to keep stress at bay and regain the health and vitality lost due to chronic stress in every day life.

How To Build Core Abs Like A Ballet Dancer?

Lying on your back, hold a stability ball between your hands and extend the arms straight up to the ceiling. As you exhale, stretch the arms overhead as far as possible without arching the mid-back. Then place heels on the stability ball, relaxing the legs. Gently press the ball away and back towards you while maintaining intra-abdominal pressure.
5 Core Breathing Tips On And Off The Yoga Mat

5 Core Breathing Tips On And Off The Yoga Mat

“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.” // Unknown Before we come to yoga, most of us breathe in an unconscious and...
Quick 5 Mins Fix For Your Aching Back

Quick 5 Min Fixes For Your Aching Back

Stand straight and try touching your toes without bending your knees. Failure to do so means your back flexibility is poor and prone to injury. To improve flexibility, practice crocodile breathing, repeated flexion and quadruped knee lifts. These mild exercises will help flex core and lower back muscles. Practice daily till you can touch your toes without warmup.
Yoga Breathing Technique To Help Sinuses (Bhastrika Yoga Breath)

Yoga Breathing Technique To Help Sinuses (Bhastrika Yoga Breath)

Yoga breathing technique for allergies. With spring just around the corner, I wanted to have this video up so we’d all be ready!