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Ashwagandha for addiction

Does Ashwagandha Help Treat Addiction?

Ashwagandha has been known to bring alcohol craving down. It can also block some of the effects of morphine on the brain and increase GABA neurotransmitter levels to lower the anxiety that one experiences after a long history of alcohol abuse and after withdrawal. It is as effective as diazepam, a common medicine, in treating withdrawal symptoms.

Determining If Your Adult Loved One Has A Drug Problem

Learn all you can about physical and behavioral signs of drug abuse to identify your loved one with drug addiction and help him/her overcome it timely.

How Your Addiction Is Harming Everyone Around You

Spending late nights drinking or doing drugs will get you late for work. Co-workers will be forced to make up for your lag. Identify your true friends – they’re not the ones who share in your addiction. Addictions aren’t cheap. Your family will be emotionally and financially burdened. Apart from embarrassing your children and family you might end up hurting them physically as well.

4 Ways To Overcome The Vicious Cycle Of Addiction

Addictive behavior builds up because it promises short term relief for a problem, while making the underlying problem worse. Get out of denial mode. Don't be afraid of life without addiction - it's wonderful! Seek help or share your feelings with others to resolve any underlying emotional pain. Do not allow your past to dictate your future. Commit to finding and living a motivational purpose in life.

Simple Tips To Overcoming Addiction On Your Own

Addiction includes every kind of pleasurable behavior - you might be addicted to the use of a habit-forming substance (like alcohol, tobacco, drugs or...

8 Healthy, Sexy Benefits Of Maca

Maca is a great source of vit B, C, E as will as iron, magnesium, and calcium.. It’s an adaptogenic herb that helps your body adjust to stressors. It works as an aphrodisiac and helps increase sperm count. Maca boosts energy levels, enhances memory function, reduces stress and anxiety, betters skin tone, balances hormones and can help kick your caffeine addiction.
Should I Cut Down On My Video Game Habit?

Should I Cut Down On My Video Game Habit?

You are addicted if you cannot control time spent, always talk or think about gaming, experience withdrawal or denial symptoms and use it to escape emotional problems. It can heighten aggressive behavior, lead to social isolation, affect joints in the neck, back and shoulder, disturb sleep and verbal cognition. Moderate use can improve problem solving skills.
5 Simple Ways To Reboot Yourself

5 Simple Ways To Reboot Yourself

Find a quiet space, breathe deep, listen to some stillness music. When you fall down, get up, don’t beat yourself up, get clear on what you want and recommit to it again. Avoid old patterns and imagine everything moving in slow motion and step away and give yourself breathing space to see things more clearly. Create an intention to guide you and set the tone for the day.

Substitution Strategy To Counter Smoking Addiction

You probably already know that smoking isn't that pleasant. So why do you smoke? Find out what smoking means to you. Replace it with a new habit that provides the same reward. This is called the Substitution Strategy and it is far easier and more effective to replace your smoking habit by substitution than by just trying to stop suddenly.

Coffee Addiction And 5 Ways To Control Your Cravings

Wondering how coffee may be affecting you? Here are some common symptoms associated with coffee consumption that may suggest you’re addicted and need to manage...

Is Your Brain Addicted To Food?

Given the current statistics on obesity and addiction in general, there is rising research about the potential link between the foods we consume and...

Addiction to Exercise: An Unhealthy Obsession

There’s more pressure than ever on woman to look like the fit, thin bodies idolized in celebrities. Exercise addiction is unique in one aspect:...
Is Sugar Destroying Our Children’s Future Fertility?

Is Sugar Destroying Our Children’s Future Fertility?

I’m a little fired up this week after watching the documentary Fed Up this past weekend. I’m not going to sugar-coat (no pun intended)...
7 Strategies for Facing Your Internet/TV Addiction.

7 Strategies for Facing Your TV And Internet Addiction

The electronic trap: How do you beat something so addictive as the Internet, or TV — things most of us find ourselves increasingly immersed in,...

7 Holistic Methods For Fighting Drug Addiction.

  For those who have struggled with drug addiction, it often involves a long-term battle to restore order to their lives. This traditionally involves inpatient...