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Sea salt kills bacteria that cause acne and exfoliates impurities and excess oil that clog skin pores

5 Ways To Treat Acne Quickly With Sea Salt

Don't you just hate it when you have to deal with unsightly acne all the time? You may want flawless skin, but what can...

How You Can Treat Blocked Sweat Glands At Home

Blocked sweat glands is a chronic condition that causes inflamed boils to erupt on the surface of the skin, especially on the buttocks, neck, armpits and groin. The boils are painful and difficult to manage. However, by altering your lifestyle, and bringing about a few changes to your diet, you can easily deal with the condition.
.Cinnamon and honey when consumed regularly decrease obesity.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Cinnamon And Honey

Of the many food fads that are gaining tremendous popularity, a mixture of honey and cinnamon are at the top of the list. Honey is...

All You Need To Know About Managing Vaginal Acne

Vaginal acne can be distressing but it's not a serious health hazard. Many a time using perfumed products in your lady parts or snug fitting underwear or shaving can lead to these pimples. However, it can be easily managed by adopting some simple steps. These include maintaining proper hygiene, waxing the pubic hair instead of shaving and avoiding the use of perfumed products in your groin area.
12 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Chest Acne

12 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Chest Acne

Applying oatmeal, lemon juice, crushed garlic, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel, and honey to the affected area on the chest can treat chest acne. A paste of baking soda and water, cinnamon and honey, or blended fenugreek seeds and water can treat chest acne. Applying a drop of tea tree oil or pea-sized toothpaste onto the acne can help, too.
Skin Issues That May Be Signs Of Serious Health Conditions

8 Skin Issues That May Be Signs Of Serious Health Conditions

If you’ve suddenly developed severe skin problems that aren’t going away, they may be a cause for concern. Look out for skin issues like extremely dry patches, excessive itching, perpetual blushing, abnormally pale skin, dark velvety patches, suddenly developed freckles, a sudden acne breakout, or itchy rashes. If you have any of these symptoms, you may be at risk of serious health conditions.
Acne can cause dry, itchy skin.

How To Reduce Acne By Using Castor Oil

Castor oil is an astringent skin cleanser that can be used to treat acne. Its antibacterial properties fight the harmful bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammation caused by acne. Acne can be treated by exposing the face to castor oil and steam, or by applying a mixture of castor oil and a suitable carrier oil, on the infected area.

These 2 Letters Can Change Your Skin Care Routine

The pH of healthy skin is just under 5, or slightly acidic. Anything too low or high will cause skin problems. If your skin is thin and dry, it probably means that your skin is too alkaline. Wrinkles will be more obvious! Unbalanced pH will also make it easy for bacteria to grow, contributing to acne and infections. Even wound healing will suffer. To figure out the pH of your products, use test strips.

How To Cure Acne & Pimples Effectively From Inside

Acne and pimples are a nightmare for young women and men. If left untreated, they leave permanent scars on your face. In fact, they...

5 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Cold Weather

If it’s cold out, look on the bright side. Shivering can actually burn calories. It works by helping brown fat make body heat, a process that uses energy. You’ll also sweat less in the cold, so body odor and acne are less likely. Personal hygiene will be a little easier. Plus, cold weather kills disease-carrying insects like ticks and mosquitos. Finally, as the seasons change, you’ll gain appreciation for warmer days. It’s the perfect chance to develop gratitude for nature.

This Is the First Thing Your Dermatologist Notices About You

Skin, the body’s largest organ, reflects your health status. Your dermatologist is the best person to tell you about your health without any major...

Birth Control: Acne Treatment Or Acne Trigger?

Birth control pills are small doses of female sex hormones that suppress the androgen levels in your blood. This, in turn, brings down the excess oil in your body, giving you clear skin after three months of getting onto birth control. When you get off birth control, your skin reverts to its original condition within three months. Birth control pills are only a temporary fix for acne and don’t really address the underlying cause. Therefore, focus on cleaning up your diet and your lifestyle if you want a hassle-free transition from going off the pill, and to tackle your acne problem head on.

6 Effective Home Remedies For Treating Scalp Acne

Wondering how to rid yourself of nasty scalp acne? Worry no more. Tea tree oil works great as a home remedy for this painful condition. Cool your scalp with ice first and, then, gently massage it with tea tree oil. Wash with a mild shampoo after a while. Repeat often and relieve yourself of painful scalp acne.

Top 5 Causes Of Chin Acne And How To Treat It

One of the great perks of being an adult is getting to bid adieu to acne. But, that’s unfortunately not the case with all...
Acne spots can be removed with simple home remedies.

7 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Pimple Spots

Pimples and their after-effects can be irritating. It has been found that pimples are mostly a sign of acne in the skin. They are caused by...