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a slow paced style of yoga

5 Yin Yoga Poses To Help Calm A Cluttered Mind

For those of you who're not familiar with Yin yoga, it is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held...
Practicing yoga improves the health of your heart

6 Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Heart

Contrary to popular belief, your age does not determine the health of your heart. Even people in their 20s fall prey to heart attacks...
Five best yoga poses to take care of your liver.

The Best Yoga Poses For Liver Health

Yoga is known for stimulating vital organs of your body. It holds true even for the liver, one of the largest organs of your...
(yoga makes skin glow

6 Yoga Poses That Can Give You Youthful, Glowing Skin

If you've been to a yoga class, the glow on the skin of your yoga teacher is hard to miss. And yes, you're correct...
Easy Yoga Poses For Building Powerful, Healthy Lungs

Easy Yoga Poses For Building Powerful, Healthy Lungs

One of the reasons why yoga is so good for your lungs is because it teaches you to be in control of your breathing. Asanas like the hare pose or the boat pose can rectify wrong breathing techniques and also enhance your lungs’ capacity to breathe in more air. Because these poses are so effective in fixing breathing difficulties, they are highly recommended for asthma patients.
can help you keep your kidneys healthy

6 Yoga Poses That Can Improve Your Kidney Function

There is no parallel to yoga as a form of complete mind-body fitness routine. The poses or asanas may look weird but they have...
combination of mind body conditioning

6 Yoga Poses Every Climber Should Include In Their Workout Routine

Climbing is a tough activity that requires every ounce of strength from your entire body and all the will you can muster, sometimes more....
legs are the foundation of your body)

5 Standing Yoga Poses For Super Strong Legs

In the world of fitness, legs are probably the most ignored part of the body. While strong legs do not have the kind of...

5 Yoga Poses Beneficial For Writers And Artists

Whether you're facing a creative block, body pain, physical and emotional tension, or doubts about your creativity, yoga can help you. Yoga not only strengthens your body and reduces the risk of pains but also clears up your mind and makes space for new, creative, positive thoughts. Yoga poses that help include the head-to-knee forward bend, the bridge, shoulder stand, tree, and legs-up-the-wall.

5 Simple Leg-Strengthening Yoga Poses

Yoga poses are the most sought after when you want both a more flexible body and inner strength. Leg strengthening is possible through yoga, and poses such as the warrior, extended side angle, and the chair pose are excellent for building strength in the thighs, shins, and calf muscles respectively. Moreover, these poses can be done by beginners, as they are comfortable and involve no excess strain.

How Yoga Can Help Millennials In Solving Problems

Millennials are the future. There has been a lot of negative talks about this generation. Like any other generation before them, they have their...
Some yoga poses help boost your stamina

5 Powerful Yoga Asanas To Boost Your Stamina

Your life may be physically sedentary, but your schedule is hectic. You have to deal with everyday stressors that are bound to wear you...
Techniques for a pain-free childbirth

9 Traditional Techniques For A Pain-Free Childbirth

If you have any doubts about your childbirth and the pain it can cause, you can adopt some of the techniques used by traditional mothers to help them with childbirth. These techniques include energy-balancing treatments to reduce the pain, to shorten the length of the pain, to prevent breech delivery and some yoga exercises to help ease your pain at the time of childbirth
Yoga poses for children with autism

4 Effective Yoga Poses For Autism

Yoga has now come up as an instrument to help kids with autism. Yoga is well-known for its positive effects on coordination, flexibility, concentration,...

Yoga Nidra: How Its Stages Help Transcend Stress

Traditionally, yogic practices aim to transcend the limiting tendencies of the mind. Various branches of yoga achieve this state of inner spontaneity and freedom...