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Virechana Panchakarma: An Ayurvedic Detox For Pitta Dosha 

Virechana Karma is a medicated purgation therapy which removes Pitta toxins from the body and is recommended in cases of Chronic Fever, Diabetes, Asthma, Joint disorders, Digestive disorders, Hyper acidity, Headaches, Gynaecological disorders etc. It should be avoided in small children, the elderly and in cases where digestive fire is weak.

Differences Between Ashtanga Yoga And Bikram Yoga

Both styles are power yogas, but they differ in various ways: Ashtanga builds internal heat whereas Bikram studio is external. Bikram yoga follows a sequence of 26 poses to strengthen muscles and compress organs, Ashtanga looks more to finding one's own physical, emotional and mental level, ultimately to make the impossible-possible.
Yoga Practice Tips And Tricks For Bigger Bodies

Yoga Practice Tips And Tricks For Bigger Bodies

For lunges: place a block under the back knee, giving the back thigh a little more length and allowing the hips and belly to release forward. To step forward for lunges: either swing your foot and knee wide, then squiggle it into place. In your forward bends: aim for a long spine, arching your heart towards the floor, lengthening the crown of the head away from the hips.
5 Simple Tips To Setting Up Your Yoga Practice At Home

5 Simple Tips To Practice Yoga At Home

Begin by practicing Surya Namaskar for 15 mins a day. Decide which direction you will face on your mat, and place a candle or make a small alter at the front. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Respect your body and do yoga poses gently with a smile. Doing them fast will not bring faster results. It will only make the practice more difficult and painful.
Chandranamaskara Strengthens Your Creative Energy

Chandra Namaskara- Asana To Strengthen Creative Energy

Chandranamaskara includes the Ardhachandrasana and involves ‘Ida nadi’, which is cooling and relaxing. It enhances the lunar energy in our body, brings mental clarity by oxygenating blood, calms and restores chakra centres, deepens connection with breath and oneself, relieves stress, balances feminine energy and encourages mental creativity.
5 Core Breathing Tips On And Off The Yoga Mat

5 Core Breathing Tips On And Off The Yoga Mat

“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.” // Unknown Before we come to yoga, most of us breathe in an unconscious and...
Yoga Kriya And Meditations To Boost Your Immune System

Yoga Kriya And Meditations To Boost Your Immune System

You can sit in an easy pose with your chin in and your chest out. Stick your tongue out and keep it out as you rapidly breathe in and out through your mouth. Continue this for 5min. To finish inhale, hold breath for 15sec, press tongue against upper palate. Exhale. Yoga poses like Child’s pose/Bridge pose/Cobra pose/Plow pose strengthen the immune system.

Choosing The Type Of Yoga That Best Suits You

Some of the more popular or heard of types of Yoga: Ashtang, Hatha, Kriya, Tantra, Japa, and Mantra Yoga. The Yoga Sutras has put forward Ashtanga Yoga as the most appropriate for all individuals. Hatha Yoga has a much stronger emphasis on the physical practices to prepare for meditation. Similarly, other yoga have different purposes.
Asanas - A Small Step To Yoga

Asanas – A Small Step To Yoga

Asanas are the third step in Ashtanga Yoga as given in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Asanas make the body healthy, provide strength, trains the restless mind and builds body awareness. Asanas provide are a complete form of exercise and include cardiovascular, weight bearing, stretching, strengthening, anaerobic and aerobic exercises.

Yoga Poses For Mood, Anxiety And Depression

A bad mood can ruin your whole day. Your boss reprimands you, a scuffle with your beau, feeling home sick - no matter whatever caused it, yoga can uplift your mood like no else. Back Bend Pose, Headstand, Corpse pose, Legs up the wall pose, Wide-Angle Standing Forward Bend and Fish Pose can help relieve any stress and relax.
Yoga For Low Back Pain

Yoga For Low Back Pain (6 Minutes)

There are several people who suffer from lower back pain. There are different medications and therapies already available to cater to the pain, but choosing the natural approach is always best. And yoga is one of the age old practices that have been used to deal with such ailments. Therefore, if you suffer from low back pain try these stretches.
Anahata Chakra Heart Chakra The Love Chakra

Anahata Chakra/ Heart Chakra: The Love Chakra

Anahata/ Heart chakra embodies the infinite spirit of love. Even though the one who has opened the heart chakra experiences bliss, this will only be fleeting and transient. The lesson of this chakra is to grow above dependency and worldly attachment, to learn that it's time to leave and pursue higher goals once your duties to the material world is complete.
Tips To Strengthen & Save Your Knees From Minor Pain

Tips To Strengthen & Save Your Knees From Minor Pain

To avoid pain don’t run or jump, instead use an elliptical trainer, ride a bicycle, strength train with a professional instructor and opt for a low-impact aerobics class. Basic yoga classes offer balancing poses and core-building exercises that strengthen the whole body. Use a foam roller to perform stretching exercises and wear soft comfortable shoes.
Kidney And Liver Detox: Yoga And Recipes

Kidney And Liver Detox: Yoga And Recipes

Kidney Quinoa Salad Recipe: Chop 1 white onion, 1 carrot, a cup of parsley and chives. Add two cups of cooked quinoa and a can of kidney beans. Mix well, add olive oil, dijon mustard and some diced garlic as a dressing. Kidney Yoga: The Kidney Draining Backbend and Old School Wheel will help boost kindey detoxification.

5 Yoga Poses For Slim Hips And Thighs

Child Pose: Relieves stress, not advised for pregnant women. Warrior Pose I: Strengthens back, shoulders and arm muscles, not recommended for heart disease patients. Warrior Pose II: Increases stamina, people with neck pain should avoid. Cobbler's Pose: Revitalizes abdominal region. Downward Dog Pose: Relieves depression and improves digestion.