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6 Ways Yoga Can Change Your Life – A Personal Experience

With its subtle yet path-breaking results, yoga plays an important role in de-addiction. It releases one from the need for constant high, brings inner peace and contentment, makes one want to be healthier, forces self-discovery by making realize one's strength. It is a magical gift which has something good for everyone.

7 Best Yoga Poses For Postnatal Moms

Getting back to shape and bringing in the balance is of utmost importance to post-natal moms. Yoga is the best solution. With emphasis on strengthening the spine, abdominal muscles and increasing stamina; the warrior 2 pose, the plank vinyasa, legs against wall, the rabbit pose, locust pose, Gomukhasana and pelvic tilts, poses greatly enhance the overall health.

Breathing Exercises To Increase Energy

At some point every day, we all feel a little too stressed out. We could do with just a little more energy. Incorporate these simple breathing exercises into your Yoga practice to improve your normal breathing and give you a boost of energy every day.

5 Energizing Yoga Poses You Can Do In Bed

If you’re struggling to make time to exercise, these yoga poses are the way to go. These poses help to open up your chest and lungs, stretch out the spine, and renews energy flow throughout your entire body. Practicing these yoga poses every morning will help you feel great and excited throughout the day.

3 Warming Yoga Poses For Winter

Here are three yoga poses that will not only give you healthy blood flow but also keep you warm during winter. Simple poses like cat/cow pose, sun salutation, and boat pose need to be practiced. Let these yoga poses help you with good health through winter. Keep practicing to keep the internal heat of your body high.

5 Fun Fall Yoga Poses To Do With Your Kids

Fall is a season of transformation and also a great time to do yoga outside. Not to mention, the immense fun you will have doing it along with your kids! Follow these 5 simple and fun yoga poses that will create a deep interpersonal connection with your kids.

11 Things To Know Before Giving Birth

Giving birth is the most amazing as well as feared part of pregnancy, especially if you are pregnant for the first time. There are a few things you might want to understand and know before you deliver. Right from creating a birth plan to taking umpteen number of pictures, be prepared for your baby.

5 Yoga Poses To Prepare For Childbirth

Hoping to conceive or getting ready for childbirth? Practice these simple Yoga asanas every day to strengthen your body for the arduous journey ahead.

Treating Throat Issues With Yoga

Throat issues are extremely common, usually infectious, and tricky to deal with. Take up this simple yoga practice to help heal the throat sooner.

The Blissful Union: Yoga And Essential Oils

What is it about a spa that makes you go weak in the knees even before you’ve started your therapy? Here’s a hint – does the faint fragrance of citronella ring a bell? What if you could bring that same sense of relaxation and rejuvenation to a yoga session? Essential oils can be the perfect partner to a great yoga stretch or an intense hatha yoga session, boosting your energy levels and helping you get more out of your workout. Discover the many pleasures of essential oils and give your yoga workout that extra edge.

Is Yoga Nidra A Solution To Good Sleep?

Sleep is very vital to everyone. Experts say we need at least 8 hours of sleep without disturbance. This is often difficult to achieve. The practice of yoga nidra (yogic sleep) can be used at bedtime as a sleep aid. It clears stress out to help you go to sleep and stay peacefully asleep. Please keep in mind that true yoga nidra happens when you’re completely relaxed and in a deeply meditative state while remaining alert and aware.

Yoga Nidra For Changing Behavior and Healing

Yoga nidra is very beneficial because it removes fatigue and invigorates the body. It can also help you make positive changes in your personality and lifestyle by using a sankalpa, a personal resolve, during yoga nidra. This is because your bodymind is more receptive to change due to the brain wave states that happen during yoga nidra.

How Does Yoga Nidra Work

Yoga nidra or yogic sleep focuses on experiencing complete relaxation and a deeply meditative state. A yoga practice that emphasizes physical postures and breath-work is never complete without it. Follow the 7 stages of yoga nidra and get uplifted consciousness. You will feel restored, relaxed, and your energy will be replenished, even exhilarated. One hour of yoga nidra practice can help you get calm mind and healthy body.

7 Easy Yoga Poses To Do At Work

Long work hours in offices result in increasing back and neck pains and body stress. Do these 10 yoga poses on your chair to destress at work.

Restorative Yoga Poses For Women In Menopause

Women face multiple emotional and physical changes before and during menopause. Here is how yoga can help reduce the side effects and manage the changes.