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How Does Noise Influence Your Health?

How Does Noise Influence Your Health?

Noise interferes with one’s ability to perform complex tasks and alters social behavior. Interpreted as a danger signal, it provokes a stress response releasing hormones that trigger increased heart rate and blood pressure. Use earplugs, keep volume low when listening to audio and sound proof your room to reduce risk of hypertension and hearing loss.
How Healthy Are Your Blood Sugar Levels?

How Healthy Are Your Blood Sugar Levels?

If missing a meal makes you feel dizzy, if you feel excessive hunger, have difficulty losing weight or gain weight easily, face hormonal issues like acne or irregular periods, feel tired all day, crave for starches, sugar or sweets, are up all night, then your blood sugar levels might be out of balance. Eliminate sugars, carbs and consume a diet rich in fiber and proteins.
Is It OK To Skip Breakfast?

Is It OK To Skip Breakfast?

Skipping breakfast does not cause muscle loss or regulate blood sugar levels or cause weight gain. Intermittent fasting is more effective than eating a calorie rich breakfast. Choose healthy options like eggs, avocado and sweet potato. Healthy breakfast eaters are leaner as breakfast keeps them active all day, helps burn more calories and improves concentration.
Home Test for Diabetes

Home Test For Diabetes To Check Your Blood Sugar

Urine glucose strips are non-invasive and report high blood sugar. With blood sugar meters, prick finger with a needle and collect a drop of blood on strip provided and insert into lancing device. Normal fasting range is 70-130mg/dl. Post fasting must be less than 180mg/dl. A1C Kits test 3 month avg. haemoglobin A1C in blood. A1C values must be below 5.7%.

Cut Down On Added Sugar To Prevent Diabetes

It can be difficult to know how much sugar we are consuming, since added sugar is hidden in 74% of all processed foods, ranging from bread to salad dressing. The recommended amount is 1 tsp or 4 gms a day. It becomes hazardous to health when women exceed 6 tsp (25 gms), men exceed 9 tsp (38 gms), and children exceed 3 tsp (12 gms) a day.
Diabetes supplements

Diabetes Supplements To Make Your Living Easier

Supplements that contain Banaba, Gymnema Sylvestre, Bitter Melon, Alpha Lipoic Acid, American Ginseng, Fenugreek Seed Extract, Bilberry and Gingko Biloba Extract can help cope with diabetes symptoms. Consult a doctor as these supplements may change blood sugar levels abruptly. Consume antioxidant rich food and exercise on a daily basis.
The Important Keys to Successfully Quit Smoking with Diabetes

Important Tips To Quit Smoking If You Are Diabetic

Stabilizing your blood sugar with right foods and exercise will help mitigate nicotine cravings and curb hunger cravings. Healthy foods such as veggies, fruits and dairy products have been shown, via research, to make cigarettes taste terrible. Moving your body is key to creating insulin sensitivity, exercise regularly to improve blood sugar levels.

Is Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Acne Problems?

There’s a huge connection between blood sugar regulation and acne. Since there is also a subtle link between Vitamin D and insulin sensitivity, deficiency of Vitamin D can indirectly cause acne. Vitamin D is also anti-inflammatory for skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Increase Vitamin D intake and avoid acidifying processed food to prevent acne.
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Really Melt Rigid Belly Fat?

A research found that the acetic acid in the Apple Cider Vinegar effects the appetite largely leading to weight loss. It balances blood sugar, which enables you to stick to your diet and suppress hunger. It also stimulates the body's metabolism rate by reducing accumulation of fat and detoxifies the system to boost nutrient absorption.
9 Compelling Reasons To Adopt A Whole Food Plant Diet

9 Compelling Reasons To Adopt A Whole Food Plant Diet

1. Healthy Weight: lower BMI, 2x weight loss. 2. Heart Health. 3. Cancer Prevention: 85% less risk of breast cancer. 4. Prevents Diabetes: 60% less risk. 5. Gut Health: improves gut flora. 6. Longevity. 7. Endurance: less fatigue, faster recovery. 8. Environment: Calorie for calorie, needs 10x less land, water and energy to produce. 9. Cost: More nutrition in less package.

Dietary Supplements To Gain Control Over Diabetes

Supplemental chromium has beneficial effects on HbA1c, glucose, insulin, and cholesterol variables. Banaba extract has an “insulin-like principle” and ability to reduce blood sugar. The herb Gymnema Sylvestre is capable of lowering blood glucose levels. Bitter melon can significantly improve glucose tolerance and Grape Seed Extract improves venous blood flow.

First Things To Do When Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

Accepting the fact that you are diabetic is key to effectively start of on managing the disease. Make diet and lifestyle changes wholeheartedly. Check with your doctor if you can take Metformin to manage sugar levels. Consume more dietary fiber and exercise regularly to maintain healthy body weight and blood sugar. Regular check ups are a must.
The Importance Of Yoga In Diabetes Prevention

The Importance Of Yoga In Diabetes Prevention

Yoga can bring about a visible drop in fasting and postprandial sugar levels within just 10 days of regular Yoga practice. Consistent long term drop in sugar levels, significant fall in glycosylated hemoglobin and a significant fall in dosage of drugs. It can also reduce BMI, lower LDL and increase HDL. Practice on a regular basis to see good results.

Excess Alcohol Can Adversely Impact Your Metabolism

If consumed moderately, alcohol may increase your metabolism but excess consumption can damage the liver, create blood sugar imbalances and cause weight gain. It contains empty calories and has no nutritional value. Your body can’t store it, so it must metabolize it right away, which can have a detrimental effect on other metabolic processes.

Is Alzheimer’s Disease A “Diabetes Of The Brain”?

Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes share many common features. The most common being insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. This inflammation leads to changes in blood flow and blood vessel flexibility that deteriorates mental function and daily activities performance among people with Type 2 Diabetes (who have a 1.5 to 4-fold risk for AD).