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15 Reasons Sweet Potato Is A Staple Food For Diabetics.

15 Reasons Sweet Potato Is A Staple Food For Diabetics

Sweet potatoes belong to the Convolvulaceae or morning glory plant family, are dicotyledons (or "dicots" for short, with the prefix "di" referring to the...
Grapefruit: Sweet Medicine For Diabetes.19 Other Benefits.

Grapefruit: Sweet Medicine For Diabetes.19 Other Benefits.

The grapefruit (Citrus × paradise- the “x” stands for hybrid) is a subtropical citrus tree known for its tart and tangy taste, with an...

7 Tips to Dodge Diabetes

  Once upon a time, there was a disease called Type 2 Diabetes that was not so well-known. Now this type of diabetes is very...
Fenugreek the Natural Herbal Cure for Diabetes and 15 other Health Benefits

Health Benefits Of Fenugreek: Natural Cure For Diabetes And More

Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, also known as Trigonella foenum-graecum, Greek hay seed, and bird's foot, is an herb that...
8 top secrets to a Healthy Brain

8 Top Secrets To A Healthy Brain

Keep your blood sugar balanced, provide oxygen to your brain by engaging in some form of exercise, increase consumption of essential fatty acids, consume more methyl donors with a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, nuts, seeds and legumes, reduce stress and inflammation, stimulate your brain and maintain adequate supply of neurotransmitters.
Triphala : A Digestive Miracle

Triphala Churna Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage, and, Side Effects

Benefits of Triphala Churna: Rich in antioxidants, calms Kapha and Pita, treats diabetes, cures skin diseases, improves taste and eye sight, treats chronic fever, relieves laziness, treats obesity. Ingredients: Amla, Haritaki and Vibhitaki. Dosage: 1 – 3 grams with honey, ghee or warm water, before food. Triphala tablets and capsules - 1 - 2 tablets once or twice a day, before food.
Ingredients In Tea, Chocolate and Berries Can Prevent Diabetes

Ingredients In Tea, Chocolate and Berries Can Prevent Diabetes

by KAREN FOSTER Strong evidence from several studies have shown that individuals consuming fruits and vegetables rich in different flavonoids have a reduced risk of...
5 Benefits Of Cinnamon

5 Benefits Of Cinnamon

1. Weight Reducer Cinnamon apparently has the effect of thinning your blood thereby increasing blood circulation. Increased blood flow generally boosts your metabolism which is...
Manage Your Diabetes Naturally - Alternative Approaches to Managing Diabetes

Manage Your Diabetes Naturally

Diabetics' bodies do not properly utilize glucose, usually because they do not produce enough of the hormone insulin.  Millions of people throughout the world...
Exploring alternative approaches to diabetes: An Expert Interview with Emma Olliff , DipNT CNM

Exploring alternative approaches to diabetes: An Expert Interview with Emma Olliff , DipNT CNM

What is Diabetes and What are the Causes of it.  Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders leading to the person having high blood glucose...
Fighting Diabetes: 8 super effective yoga poses

Fighting Diabetes: 8 super effective yoga poses

Research suggests that people with diabetes can reap some benefits from regular yoga practice. Here are a few poses to get you started.[slideshow_deploy id='3275']

Healthy Fruits For Diabetics

Strawberries Strawberries are low in glycemic index. It keeps you fuller for longer, satisfies your sweet taste buds and also stabilizes blood sugar levels. ....