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Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema): Symptoms, Triggers, And Home Remedies

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a term for several types of skin conditions that involve swelling. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is not contagious and is most common in babies and children. As children grow, the condition can get worse or may even go away completely. If it exists and gets worse, then it exists even in their adulthood.


The exact cause of this skin condition is not known; however, environmental and genetic factors are considered responsible for the skin condition.

The most common symptom of atopic dermatitis is severe itching. However, there are other symptoms that this skin condition shows. Let’s examine the other common symptoms.


Common Symptoms Of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis usually appears on the cheeks, arms, and legs but can occur in any other part of the body. Due to severe itching, the skin can become damaged from repeated scratching or rubbing. Other common symptoms of the skin condition are as follows:1

These symptoms may get worse with the triggers that are present in the environment or due to the lack of proper care. Let’s examine these factors that may worsen the skin condition.


Common Atopic Dermatitis Triggers

Knowing the severity of this skin condition, it is important to know how to manage atopic dermatitis to reduce or prevent the condition from worsening. The following are common triggers present in the surroundings that should be avoided or controlled to reduce atopic dermatitis symptoms:2

Therefore, to prevent the symptoms from getting worse, it is important to make sure that the mentioned triggers are avoided whenever possible.


Treating atopic dermatitis is only possible after consulting your doctor. Knowing what is making your atopic dermatitis worse is the first step to treat it the right way. Some may require medications while some may require creams that need to applied topically.

Let’s examine the available treatments that may heal the skin and prevent worsening of the atopic dermatitis symptoms.


Available Treatments For Atopic Dermatitis

Depending on the severity of the skin condition, the doctor will prescribe one or more medications to bring down the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Some of these include the following:

Apart from these medical treatments, there are certain things you can do at home to control the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Let’s examine these home remedies in detail.


Home Remedies To Control Atopic Dermatitis

Here are a few basic ways you can control the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and make living with the skin condition better for you.

1. Take Care Of Your Skin Daily

A daily skin care routine is important for everyone; therefore, it is twice as important for an individual with atopic dermatitis. It is important to shower with warm water and not hot water.


After a shower, it is important to moisturize your skin with a cream or body lotion, either prescribed by the doctor or one that you have found which does not irritate the skin. If you want to go all natural with the moisturizer, coconut oil is always a good option.

2. Manage Stressful Events

As mentioned earlier, the levels of stress you take can have an adverse effect on your skin condition. Therefore, stress management is very important when it comes to controlling atopic dermatitis symptoms. You can practice meditation or yoga at home to free your mind from a stressful situation.3

3. Stick To Loose Clothing

Tight clothing can cause irritation to the skin. Therefore, it is advised to wear loose, cotton clothes to avoid discomfort. In addition, fabrics like wool and polyester can cause itching, so these should be avoided as well.

4. Try Dead Sea Salt Baths

Studies have shown that bathing in magnesium-rich salt solutions like Dead Sea salts can reduce skin inflammation and increase hydration.4

Ensure that the water is not too cold or not too hot as the symptoms may be worsened in extreme temperatures. Use warm water and pat dry with a dry towel.

5. Use Lavender Essential Oil

Disturbed sleep is a common effect of atopic dermatitis because of the constant itching. Other effects include anxiety, depression, and frustration. Lavender oil can help provide good sleep and reduce the levels of anxiety with its aroma.

Lavender oil when used with a carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil, it can heal dry, itchy skin. Add a few drops of the essential oil to the carrier oil of your choice and apply it gently onto the skin.5

Apart from these remedies, if the skin does not have blisters, then cool, wet compresses may be applied to relieve itching.

Therefore, if you have atopic dermatitis, it is important to consult the doctor and follow the medical procedures and treatments to control it. A daily skin care routine along with a balanced diet may help control the symptoms of the skin condition.

Home remedies may take time and it is important to communicate them with your healthcare provider before you treat the condition on your own.


1 Atopic Dermatitis. National Eczema Association.
2 Atopic Dermatitis. National Eczema Association.
3 Recognizing the mind-skin connection. Harvard Medical School.
4 Proksch, Ehrhardt, Hans‐Peter Nissen, Markus Bremgartner, and Colin Urquhart. “Bathing in a magnesium‐rich Dead Sea salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin.” International journal of dermatology 44, no. 2 (2005): 151-157.
5 Lavender. University of Maryland Medical Center.
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